I have created 3 Modules, State, District, City. So in Each State i have mapped respective Districts and City, same for District respective City. So in another module i have created relationship of all 3 modules. First i have selected one of the State and updated it. Then i want to select District, but at this time it is showing whole Districts, instead of this i want to see only corresponded State - Districts. Same for City also, Once District is updated. It should show corresponded City - District. To make this possible what all are the relationship should i use. Can anyone guide?
Related records should show
You need to create 2 custom views for city & district.
This task is not easy, if you have some coding skills you may achieve it.
See this doc to learn how to do custom fields views:
You need every view to listen for the change event of its parent view, here is an example:
Code:this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:state', () => { // update current options based on the value of parent });
This should have been very helpful feature if we can make this possible, I have created Opportunities under Accounts. SO when i create a Case i do have Link of Account and Opportunities. First i'll select Account after that i'll select Opportunity, but here whole Opportunity records are showing. Instead of this if we can show only Opportunity comes under that selected Account. Then it will be a great relief. How can i achieve this i am struggling with this for sometime.Comment
This feature implemented in the following paid extension: