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Relate meetings / calls to another entity

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  • Relate meetings / calls to another entity

    When i create a meeting / call, i can only select some system-entities like Opps, Contact, Account. I would like to have an custom entity, which i can select when i create a call, meeting and the like. Found some guidance out there, but it doesn't seem to do the trick:
    1. Create a New Relationship:
      • In the Relationships tab, click the Create button.
      • Fill in the following details:
        • Name: Call
        • Type: Belongs To
        • Related Entity: Call
        • Related Field: parent
      • Save the changes.
    2. Add the Relationship Field to Layout:
      • Go to the Layout Manager for your custom entity.
      • Add the newly created Call relationship field to the layout.
      • Customize its display options as needed.
    ​perhaps i don't get the idea, in which field to put which content. On the other hand, in other entities, which CAN be linked to a call, i have a different relationship type. Entitymanager offers me child to parent, whereas in accounts it is a parent to child.

    How can i figure out that one? there are also additional fields i don't get: Parent entity types and foreign links. Would i need that ones? Why or why not?

    Tia, i really tried to figure out, but no avail at this very moment.


  • #2

    You just need add your entity to the parent field.
    You need do same for call entity.


    • #3
      Wow, this was easy, thanks, it is working now, as far as i see. I would have liked to add that entity to notes as well (see, because that would be also something which should work that way, but parent can't be edited in Entity Manager -> notes. Any idea, how to get this done?

      Thank you very much, you saved my day.



      • #4
        Oh, forgot something: I can't see, how i could show the related meetings / calls within my new entity. I can't add a subpanel and i cannot add additional fields. I think i am missing something, right?



        • #5
          my english is poor.... send a print-screen .. a write/dray on the print-screen what you will see..
          need your custom entity type and name
          what version of espocrm have you ?

          if understand... search "attendee" on forum, you need to make some customisation in entityDefs.
          and add a value in config (still not avaible on v8.2...) but in Github
          Last edited by item; 04-12-2024, 02:49 PM.


          • #6
            Well, i created a new entity named Project.

            I want to create an entry, which shows me the budget i have for the project, the internal project manager and project team as well as customer's project team.

            And i want to show the meeting (minutes) and calls being made on that behalf, so all people involved can have sort of history what happened and see, what are the next tasks.

            It doesn't have to be high-level, just enough information, that another person can continue if a project manager is on vacation and there is a customer request, or, as happened to me, i broke my leg and wasn't available for 3 months, so another one could manage it in the time being and we also have a full view about what is happening around the customer.

            Therefore i would appreciate being able to use notes entity as well.

            I'll try to provide screenshots as well.


          • #7
            Thanks for getting back.

            I found out, that i could create a relationship with Notes, so i can add one in my entity project.

            What confuses me at the moment is, that only when i create a note, call, meeting, whatever within the project entity it will be shown in the subpanel. If i just create a new call from shortcutmenu, and relate it to a specific project, it won't show up. (see below)

            I took the task entity as an example with its existing relationship to Accounts, which looks like this:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	157
Size:	80.9 KB
ID:	104960
            I created the same for calls, meetings, tasks, notes in my project entity.

            But that also creates an many to one backwards relationship, but when i look into Task entity, the relationship backwards to Account is many to many.

            If i add an additional relationship in meetings or calls or tasks or notes of many to many to project entity it still won't work.

            Do i need to remove the many to one relationship so the many-to-many can work? But i would also remove the one-to many relationship as well, right? Or should i go for many-to-many relationships?

            This makes my head ache :-)

            If i would get around this, I'd accomplished 95 % of my need to document a project (besides having to add a couple of fields and relationships to other fields)

            As you see here: I created a call for Project test:
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	152
Size:	34.9 KB
ID:	104959​But when i click on Parent test:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	199
Size:	81.1 KB
ID:	104958
            it doesn't show up in project test.. there is something, i do not understand in Relationships i fear.

            Thanks and best


            • #8
              it's seemt, if i understand.. your "Project" entity is bad entity type.

              • Base – has only basic fields created by default: Name, Assigned User, Teams, Description.
              • Base Plus – like the Base type but with the Activities, History, Tasks panels.
              • Event – has the Date Start, Date End, Duration, Parent, Status fields; available in the Calendar and in the Activities panel (must be enabled at Administration > Settings).
              • Person – has the Email, Phone, First Name, Last Name, Salutation, Address fields; the Activities, History, Tasks panels.
              • Company – has the Email, Phone, Billing Address, Shipping Address fields; the Activities, History, Tasks panels.
              For me, you need create Base Plus entityType.
              You can : Remove entity admin .. and the create same name : Project but entityType must "Base Plus".
              And don't forget to check : "stream" checkbox when create entity.. this activate "note = stream" under Project entity
              Hope it's a test instance.. so no need to create new relations

              Hope dutch speaking can help
              Last edited by item; 04-12-2024, 07:17 PM.


              • #9
                well, not really, but I don't have too much info entered. It began as an Testversion, but majored over the last 10 days into a real thing. There are only 2 project entries and one call and one meeting, which I'd have to move, so no harm done.

                I'll report back, as soon as I changed it.
                Thanks again.


                • #10
                  Well, it took some time to setup everything once again and i was quite successful, thanks to your help.

                  Two issues i am dealing with at this very moment are:

                  1. Can i filter the list view at some sort? For instance, i only want to see entries which have a specific entry or not. For my projects it could be show all projects which are not in the status closed.
                  2. Notes: They are here now, and i can create a new note. But, when i come back to that page they seem to be gone. If i create a new one, i will see all notes, when i come back, none to be seen. This is quite confusing. Any idea how to fix that?

                  Oh, and 3rd: I relate the Project to accounts and show the project of an account in the list view of accounts. But i am not able to sort the column project. Which is weird. Do i need to set a parameter somewhere?

                  If i can sort out those, it would really do, what i want it to do and i hope, i can get my colleagues hooked on it, so i can get my boss to order Reporting.

                  Thank you for your assistance :-)


                  • #11
                    1) "sort" are definied in entityManager -> edit your entity : -> sort by field
                    2) hum ? print-screen ? you have 3 "point" like " * * * " .. just right up on stream.. see there what is checked
                    3) see 1) default entity setting sort is applied.

                    You can define custom filter.. if you have AdvancedPack (i think if not forget.. ).. or by coding see doc


                    • #12
                      Am sorry,
                      was busy for quite some time and also on vacation for some time. I showed yesterday my workmates what i achieved up to now and they decided to pick up ESPO for time being as a CRM system. So i am working more continously on it again.

                      What i am wondering is:

                      I have 150 projects (just an example), and when i open my project entity, i want to filter the view with a setting, that i only see those who are not finished. So, if there are 10 finished projects, i only want to see 140, when i open my list view, or only that ones who belong to me or that ones, who are ending this year etc.

                      So to define a filter, which holds also, when i come back later on, and if i need another filter, i just remove it or set a new one for that specific entity.

