Meeting attendees can't be selected in all cases for claiming their acceptances
The File "/custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Meeting.json" exists and the Content is:
"Code:"dynamicLogic": { "fields": { "kundenunterschrift": { "visible": { "conditionGroup": [ { "type": "isTrue", "attribute": "istVorOrt" } ] }, "required": null }, "location": { "required": { "conditionGroup": [ { "type": "isTrue", "attribute": "istVorOrt" } ] }, "visible": { "conditionGroup": [ { "type": "isTrue", "attribute": "istVorOrt" } ] } }, "address": { "visible": { "conditionGroup": [ { "type": "isTrue", "attribute": "istVorOrt" } ] } } } }, "sidePanels": [], "kanbanViewMode": false, "color": "#004ca6", "iconClass": "fas fa-calendar-check", "recordViews": { "detail": "esignature:Meeting/record/views/detail/detail" }
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Check the file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Meeting.json. What is content.
If you don't have this file, this could be a problem caused by some extension.Leave a comment:
Maybe you have removed it before at Administration > Entity Manager > Meetings > Side Panels (Detail / Edit/ Detail Small / Edit Small).Leave a comment:
well yes, but: i compared to and found that i dont have the field "attendees" in "layouts > Side Panels (Detail)"...
Do i have to set up my instance freshly now?... :-/ ...i have so many scripts and workflows... i don't want to... :-(Leave a comment:
unfortunately it is in fact not. i get this behavior with exactly the same contact. This error is only triggered by the method used to create the meeting. As long as the meeting is created from the detail view of the contact, everything works. Only if you go on to create the meeting from another view and add the user as "Refers to (contact)" does the described error occur and I can't send the contact an invitation because he doesn't appear in the dialog.Leave a comment:
Steps to reproduce are not detail enough. It's ambiguous what does "contact is not selectable in this case" mean.Leave a comment:
I assume you tested on different contacts. In the first case, the Contact had an email address. In the second case, the contact was without an email address. Contacts w/o an email address are not listed as it's not possible to send an invitation to them.Leave a comment:
Meeting attendees can't be selected in all cases for claiming their acceptances
errors logged: NONE
EspoCRM version number: 8.1.5
PHP version number: 8.2
Database platform name: mysql (Version: 8.0.34-26)
Steps to reproduce:
Scenario 1: I create a meeting in the sidebar in the detail view of a contact. If I then open the meeting and click on "Invite", I can select the contact and invite them to attend.
Scenario 2: I create a meeting in the list view of the meetings and add the contact as a related contact. After saving, I click on "Invite" again, but the contact is not selectable in this case.
I think this is a bug as it is very inconvenient from a workflow point of view.
Additional info:
Cant seem to find this as a Feature.
Last edited by arrestthepresident; 03-25-2024, 09:49 AM.Tags: None
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