Tracking opens for emails sent to single contact.

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  • ErikH2000
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2015
    • 2

    Tracking opens for emails sent to single contact.

    I think I kind of understand how to set up a campaign and mass-mail to everybody in a list. What if I just want to send a message to one person and learn if they:

    * clicked on a link
    * opened the email


    It seems like the mail-open tracking feature needs MailChimp. But clicking on a link should be trackable, right? I tried adding a field to the email message like "{trackingUrl:566e376146ffe22ff}" but it was just inserted as you see it into the outbound message with no transformation.

    How would you accomplish the above the two things for a message sent to just one person?

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8722

    Tracking Urls work only with Campaign. They can't be utilized with regular emails. Mail Chimp is not needed.
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    • ErikH2000
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2015
      • 2

      Thanks, Y.

      I am thinking now that I can handle URL tracking by using the generated short URL from a marketing service and putting it in the email. (Don't want to post their name and seem like a shill.)

      Mail-open tracking is a little harder. It requires me to put an image URL inside the email. I can do this with the code view used for creating the email, and add something like "<img src=''>". The tracking code must be manually edited with each outbound email.

      All of this is less than ideal. A lot of time would be spent manually editing outbound messages to include the right URLs and then matching up results collected from a website outside of Espo.



      • twpag
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2017
        • 7

        Why bother with a marketing service and 3rd party tracker apps when you have the ability to do it yourself and log it? We did and use it. All we are trying to do is figure how to pass the email into the url to add to the database so we can track. Here's the code..

        //logger.php or whatever you want to call it
        $email = ''; //This is where I really need the {Email.To} field to actually show the email when sent, im positive it's in there somewhere, just need to find the right fieldname.
        $time = date('Y-m-d H:i');

        // load the image
        $image = "http://www.YOUR_URL/somewhere_to/yourlogo.png?email=$email";

        header('Content-Type: image/png');
        echo file_get_contents($image);

        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

        include "settings.php"; //connector
        if($ip == 'YOUR_IP_ADDRESS'){

        //delete our ip so it's not showing in the logs every time we open the email template
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM EmailTracker WHERE ip = '$ip'") or die(mysql_error());

        else {
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO TABLE VALUES ('ID','$time','$ip','OPENED')") or die(mysql_error());



        Save the file somwehere on y our server and within your signature all you have to do is the following



        Of course create your table the way you want it and fix the query to your liking...

        Now you will be able to log who is opening it. We have multiples running for when they click a link, open the email, click a pdf file, etc. Using the same thing other than changing the content-type. Free and crystal clear.

