Label Manager - errors in placeholders
I can not really read these languages but I guess the issue is, that the placeholder variables are translated when they should not?
Administration -> Label Manager -> Global -> StreamMessages
So in Lithuanian the Text for: eventConfirmationAccepted
Should be changed from
Code:{vietos gavėjas} sutiko dalyvauti {įstaigosType} {subjektas}
Code:{invitee} sutiko dalyvauti {entityType} {entity}
It would be great if native speakers could fix this on
Context: Global.streamMessages
See post on github:
If you want to improve existing translation or add a language that is not available yet, you can contribute on our POEditor project. See instructions here. It may be reasonable to let us know about your intention to join the POEditor project by posting on our forum or via the contact form on our website.
Last edited by ThomasB; 11-29-2023, 10:52 AM.