Feature Request: Date field to be calculable
Issue: Reference: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/issues/2552 Int/Float/Currency fields can be inline calculated, would like Date field also to be calculable as well. Currently you would need to use some calculator website, manual counting/in head maths, creating your 'Math' function using Spreadsheet, or using EspoCRM formula function.
Proposal: Date field to be able to do calculation; perhaps something like this:
Current field date: 10/09/2023
New feature: 10/09/2023+15 > "Save field" > Date: 25/09/2023
Potential issue: that assume it all "15" days, so we might need to do extra deliminator, perhaps it like this:
Example: 10/09/2023+15d > "Save field" > Date: 25/09/2023 (+15 days)
Example: 10/09/2023+2w > "Save field" > Date: 24/09/2023 (+2 weeks)
EspoCRM already have these function using Formula.
Use Case:
Issue: Reference: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/issues/2552 Int/Float/Currency fields can be inline calculated, would like Date field also to be calculable as well. Currently you would need to use some calculator website, manual counting/in head maths, creating your 'Math' function using Spreadsheet, or using EspoCRM formula function.
Proposal: Date field to be able to do calculation; perhaps something like this:
Current field date: 10/09/2023
New feature: 10/09/2023+15 > "Save field" > Date: 25/09/2023
Potential issue: that assume it all "15" days, so we might need to do extra deliminator, perhaps it like this:
Example: 10/09/2023+15d > "Save field" > Date: 25/09/2023 (+15 days)
Example: 10/09/2023+2w > "Save field" > Date: 24/09/2023 (+2 weeks)
EspoCRM already have these function using Formula.
Use Case:
- Calculate expiry date
- Adding time frame for period
- Due date
- Calculate odd number of dates
- Calculate long time date
- Estimate of age