Here my comments and suggestions for improvements! (part 2)

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  • Ruslan
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 102

    Here my comments and suggestions for improvements! (part 2)

    Things needed be add to exist entities:

    For all entities: we need to be able create new Activity or task or whatever from the entity we are. for example:if i am in the lead, and i see all related info to the lead iam, i want to be able to click on "create a task" or "create a phone call" from there. the system will automatically will take all the info from the lead and the contact and will insert to new entity i am going to create. if it will be task it will link to the right lead and contact etc..

    Status for all entities: status need to be split to "two fields" first is "status" and second is the "status reason". status can have 2 or more values. "status active" or "status deactivated"
    "status reason" will hold the "reason" of the status.
    for example: active status will hold "status reason" like: new, on progress,waiting for customer reply and etc...
    status deactivated will hold "status reason" like: not relevant,client the need the product/service,dead lead and etc....
    * the hole point here is when status change to "deactivate" this entity not matter what entity must turn to be "read only".

    1. "Follow up date" this is date field that must have in leads. when the lead did not answer or ask to call later we need to setup new "follow up date".
    every salesperson (stuff) will see in his dashboard all the "follow up date" that he need to call to. he need to be able to sort by: due date, today, next week,next month,next year.
    2. Lead Pryority (lead pryority can be set/updated when lead create or after phone call so we know what is the priority of this lead)
    3. Lead Group (to what group this lead assigned.) for example : web design,seo,ecommerce and etc...

    1. Opportunity Status.
    2. Opportunity Pryority (can be mapped from lead at the convert step).
    3. Opportunity Group (can be mapped from lead at the convert step).

    1. Own calendar for staff/team so only the user staff can see his meeting or things to do.
    2. Filter for admin or staff/team manager to see all the calendar events for selected stuff/team.
    3. Synchronization with microsoft outlook.
    4. Synchronization with google calendar.

    1. Synchronization with microsoft outlook.
    2. Synchronization with google calendar.

    1. Calls filter, created by user on the X date (show all calls) and etc...
    2. Synchronization with Asterisk and make link to the record call (this way manger can listen to the call and be able to improve the call center service)

    1. Task type (regular task or recurring task) recurring task will allow us to open to some staff user or team the same task everyday,week,month year etc...
    ​2. Task status (completed, not completed or cancelled) if the task is not completed or cancelled the user need to write the reason. the reason can be store as "note".
    3. Task notes
    4. Task progress by %

    5. Task Rate + Timer (Hourly,or regular) - task can be worked by staff or by freelancer, so we want to know if this task by Hourly how much time the staff or freelance have spent.
    so when task is selected time rate, timer must be shown, when the user start working he will click in timer and the timer start ticking until the user will pause or stop the timer because the task is completed. with this time rate solution we can know how much take to complete some tasks or how much pay to freelancer.

    6. Task template - mane task we created are Repeated so we could create "task template" and the in this is Repeated task we just select the "task template" from some field and then all the description for the task will appear.
    for example: create category web design in this category i can create "template task" named please create logo, or another one please design the website and etc...
    so when i will go and create new task i will select first task category, then select the "task template" from this category and all the data will be inserted to my task description.

    i see that cases are also act as "tickets" - help desk. this is something that wrong for the beginning.
    cats don't mean to be "tickets"
    case it's something that can take long time until it will be resolved. (case can have many tasks until it will be resolved).
    case can cat also as "case responsible". for example: we can create case responsible for it guy (staff) on this case we write all the info he responsible. then we can create recurring task (every day) to this case so the it guy will know he need to check every day all the servers in the company. this was little example.
    * so i think the most right it, is to split cases from tickets.

    Case must have:
    1. Tasks
    2. Relansaship to another entity's

    Field Manager:
    1. wysiwyg editor.

    2. Child select field (drop down menu) based on the parent select field (drop down menu). if the user selected one of the values and this value set to show child select field (drop down menu) then it will be shown. otherwise it will be hidden. (this also can work as radio buttons or checkbox).

    3. Encrypted field with password protection. so if we want to store passwords or some important data we want to use this field.(this can work by allow to create "password group" this group will hold the password, group name,last created by, edit by etc... so when we will need to add new , "encrypted field" we will select the "password group" and will write our data. after the save, if some one will want to see the data, he will need to "hover" on this filled and then some "icon"near this field will appear. by clicking on the icon you will need to put the password to see the data. id the password is wrong the user data(username) date and the ip address need to be stored on some log otherwise it will show the protected data.

    4. Email field (will add mailto. the same as the url working).

    5. in the url, need to add option to select if it will open in the new windows or in the same window.

    6. Lookup field - lookup field working in the same way as the "Assigned User" or "Team". for example, we can create global lookup field "countries" and then just add the lookup field in the entity we would like to select country or city or what ever we will create as global lookup. beside the global we can create for some entity(local) this is useful when you have many data to show so the search option and filters is the right way to work.

    7. Multi file upload

    8. Multi select

    9. Reminder - date field, where we want to remind us to do some thing like renew hosting to any service and etc... we will set date and the reminder will show us a notice some time before due date in our dashboard.

    Integration with 3rd party
    one of the biggest mistake when new application/software/script getting out to the public
    when you have integration with the most popular 3rd party scripts you get Huge advertising and exposure! second you get biggest community that will try our products and all of the users that will love your product will become Active in this community and make this product and community much better and growing every day.

    1. i will suggest to integrate this great crm solution with the biggest community Wordpress and Woocommerce.
    in the wordpress community there are not any good open source solution like EspoCrm so this ad will give boost to this community and product and also for wordpress users.
    2. another great integration will be mailchimp. a lot of user using this solution so this will give also a good point to user who wants to use this crm.
    3. another must have integration is "payment method" when the invoices and the Finance model will be integrated to the core, "payment method" is must have (like: paypal,moneybookers,visa,mastercard and etc...)

    *** all the info i have write is global for any business no matter what the business sale, every business must or may work with all this addons. ***

    wow its took my cpouple of good hours to invegaste the EspoCrm and see what need to be add or improved. of course i can write more, but for now it's more than enough to make this crm role!

    if you need help and Consulting to improve the Espocrm to the direction and another level! fill free to contact me.

    Waiting for your reply to know what do you think on my all suggestions, what of the suggestions you are going to create and add to EspoCrm and when it will be?

    and best luck,
    Ruslan Nipo
  • Ruslan
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 102

    Hi Yuri, from this list, can you tell me what will be added in the next updates?
    this list show many missing things to improve what espocrm have.
    and i also will be glad to know if "Integration with 3rd party" like wordpress it it somthing that plan to be?



    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8665


      Question: why need Follow up date field for Lead? If lead needs to be called later sales rep just create call. And he will see this call in his dashboard. Why need to do one more action to fill Follow Up date field.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • Ruslan
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 102

        Hi Yuri,
        its a good question!
        "Follow up date" its field to allow you to follow of what's happened to your lead.
        "Follow up date" its not only for calls. its to know what going on.
        for example: you call to your lead, and the lead person ask you to send him your work examples and company info.
        then he told you that when he will take a look on all the info you send to him he will call you back or will send you email.
        another example, your lead ask you to send him "contartc" in the email, them when the lead will have time, He will send the signed contract
        but in all cases we don't know when it will be and in the other side you dont want to call to the client every X day. so we ask him about when he think it
        will be ready and we set "Follow up date" to X time to see if the client send us what he need to test or what's happened with this lead.
        the are many scenarios that can be.

        what about the questions i have asked?


        • yuri
          • Mar 2014
          • 8665


          Added features list to the website. Roadmap items are also there.

          If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


          • Ruslan
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2014
            • 102

            Hi Yuri,
            i didn't see the order and invoices model. this is something that not planted to be in espocrm?
            another one big model very necessary is group! for every entity.
            know i have some question regarding "Field Manager".
            wysiwyg editor.
            Child select field (drop down menu)
            Encrypted field
            this fields it's something the hard to add? or you can give me examples to do it by myself.



            • yuri
              • Mar 2014
              • 8665

              Sales Order, Quotes, Invoices. Didn't discuss and think about them enough. They are on low priority. They are more ERP features rather than CRM's. Any suggestions?

              There are Teams in EspoCRM.

              wysiwyg field can be create manually

              dropdown field can be created via Admin UI

              Encrypted not supported.
              If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


              • Ruslan
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2014
                • 102

                i know yuri that There are Teams in EspoCRM. but how you group things?
                i mean, how can you select all the leads that for "seo" or for graphic design and etc... the same for clients. you want to split your clients into groups.
                so when you decide to send email with some promustion only for "seo" group you can do it easily.

                yuri every crm have Quotes, Order and Invoices model (as core or as addon). today users looking for "one roof solution" to manage their business and not to work with 2 or more applications.

                now about the fields,
                1. can you show me how to add manually wysiwyg field?
                2. If Encrypted not supported. how can we hide our important data? i don't want to all users to see "password" field or some other data.
                3. how can i show Child select field based on the parent selected option?



                • yuri
                  • Mar 2014
                  • 8665

                  Lists of Leads, Contacts will be implemented in future.

                  1. Wysiwyg field
                  In entityDefs
                  PHP Code:
                          "description": {
                              "type": "text",
                              "view": "Fields.Wysiwyg"

                  2. Password type of field is hidden from users. You can specify this type of field manually in entityDefs

                  If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                  • Ruslan
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 102

                    Thanks Yuri.
                    another suggestion would be "help section" for every field.
                    it can work with tooltip for example.
                    ​for example if you want to give to some user help or maybe to tell him what do you want him to write in some field.
                    ​it can be very helpful.
                    ​when we want to add "help" we can check checkbox and then will appear description field where i can write what we want.
                    then in the entity next to the field we have add "help" will appear some sign like "?" on mouse hover will appear the help text.
                    of course it can work also in another way. but i think it will help alot to many users and less questions will be asked.


                    • bruce185
                      • Feb 2016
                      • 71

                      Originally posted by Ruslan

                      4. Email field (will add mailto. the same as the url working).
                      Any more plans on allowing mailto: links in the email field - is this something that can be set within the app right now?


                      • yuri
                        • Mar 2014
                        • 8665

                        Hi Bruce

                        You can edit
                        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


                        • twpag
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2017
                          • 7

                          I know this was a few years ago but Rusian is 100% correct on everything. Today's companies are seeking a one-stop solution for handling CRM?ERP/M/POS information. Like us for an example, We were once using an application for pure ERP/M but didn't have any type of CRM aspects to manage leads the way we wanted so we went seeking out something that allowed us to build within. We found suitecrm but was overly pragmatic and honestly not build for real world companies. We then found you and never turned back since. We love it BUT there's some business aspects that you should take upon to bring together one community as he mentioned but ...

                          Invoicing - Simple Items/services box listing units, service, price,VAT, total cost
                          Contracts - We already built a module for contracts that includes "opportunity" as the contractual amount with attachment to include the signed agreement.

                          Does not have to be pragmatic but enough to at least "bring them on onboard" within the app and that's the contractual module we did.

                          A Follow-Up date field is a field we added as well and it's needed. It's a direct action source to show the call needs to be followed up and not re-added to the calls again. It separates the "already called" from being mixed in with the ones TO call.

                          Sales Order, Quotes, Invoices, Process Forms all should be HIGH priority considering all businesses regardless what type of business needs these features. The module builder or should I say "Entity" is a great source for building this but there is no print function to print anything out, it's hard-coded within the application only for certain things so we end up having to print the designed forms along with the information.

                          This is a good application that could really land some great service-based accounts for installation and use but you have to raise your standards and not focus on what other CRM companies are focusing on. People are seeking apps with this function and study from your biggest competitor (Zoho). They have it all, Salesforce, they have it all, HUBSPOT, they have it all. Only difference is you pay a ton of money for it. You have the social key to release people from that madness if you put it together.

                          We built "StoreCore" a long while back, it's everything under one roof but we don't use it because of the old antiquated code and is just not secure using mysql-i so we use this app and entity build to account for what we need as an established company.

