Add 2FA option for portal users. We use espocrm to storage some IT Documentation and we need to have some sort of extra security measures.
2FA for portal user
You can enable it by little coding.
The link I provided follows to the post where I explained why. Little coding can bring lot of troubles in the future when we decide to make it more configurable. As everything we add we are to support like forever. I didn't have time to think out a proper design, so I set it aside for this time.
Though anyone can extend it in an upgrade-safe way. And we won't be responsible for an implementation design one may choose for their company.Last edited by yuri; 01-16-2023, 08:14 PM.
yuri i have a case with customer which want to use one SSO for internal staff and other for external customersComment
I'm considering the ability to have a separate auth provider entity for portals. Though this would be not very neat design, as there will be two separate places where auth is configured: for internal users (at settings > authentication, as we have it now) and for portals.Last edited by yuri; 01-20-2023, 05:42 PM.
You can enable it by little coding.
HI thanks for your response, but the link is to a github issue with a bunch of code. can you please explain what code is the one i need and where to add it. sorry but i am new to espocrm. thanks for your help.Comment
No ETA. It will be postponed as it often happens. It's extreme conditions. I manage a few dozens of issues a day. the job is hectic.Last edited by yuri; 03-10-2023, 03:01 PM.If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment
You can try the upgrade package I just built.
1. Install the latest EspoCRM v7.3.4.
2. Administration > Upgrade > upload the package: