Label Manager access for users

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  • partomas
    Active Community Member
    • Sep 2018
    • 341

    Label Manager access for users

    Hello, it would be nice to have a possibility to get contribution from users in CRM labels translation, but there are no way to access "Label Manager" without Admin rights. Can you create a way how regular system users by specific role could access "Label Manager" feature.
  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1506

    with my experiment, this request is very bad.
    I don't think Yuri accept this request.

    Maybe, different "roles" and different "access" to settings

    So imagine :
    "access to label"
    "access to layout"

    but certainly many work for Yuri... not easy i think
    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


    • partomas
      partomas commented
      Editing a comment
      Yes, that's exactly what could be very beneficial. "access to layout" would be also beneficial to delegate to some "user" or "Manager" without giving access to a whole administration panel. Now admins have workload that is not need admins skills and users could do by themselves. In another hand to give full "CRM Admin" access to not admins is not safe option as well.
      I would really appreciate a contribution of Users who are use CRM on daily bases and they have ideas what changes in Label or Layout could be beneficial for them much more than admins do.
      yuri if possible, create "access to label" and access to layout" by roles, please.