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Extend Varchar Autocomplete funcionality

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  • Extend Varchar Autocomplete funcionality

    Hi there,

    I think it would be great to extend "autocomplete" functionality in this way:

    1. There could be a checkbox to define whether this option is ON or OFF.

    2. If the checkbox is checked, then all values that are entered in the Varchar type field would be saved as "Options" for autocomplete.

    For instance, if Admin decides that a specific varchar field has to "collect and remember" entered values, he just checks the box " Add entered data to 'Options' " and every time a user enters data in that field (in the UI Detail view) it becomes an option for next time to be as autocomplete option.

    I am not sure if I expressed myself clear enough, but to enter autocomplete options through the admin panel is not very handy. The best way would be to save every entered value in the Varchar field as an autocomplete option if the checkbox is checked.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    This would be extremely handy for Contact's Account's Title as people like to play around with Title and it tedious to have to keep updating it.

    For example few business have a variation of these; "Customer Service", "Customer Service Specialist", "Customer Service Advisor" and it tiring having to go to setting to add in variation. But if it can retrieve from "History from entered" data, it would save quite a lot of works.

