Changing address field

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  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1405

    Changing address field

    Address field now is using few subfields, street, zip code, city, state and country. Every time you need to enter all information.
    For example i'm using also woocommerce and there instead of varchar field we can choose country from list.

    I think this is a good idea because now when someone have to enter name of country, he'll enter it as he want. For example one user will enter "US", another will use "USA" and another will choose "United States of America". That's a problem because you want be able to find address based on that information.

    Also if you have users with are speaking in different languages, one user will enter "Сполучені Штати" and another "United States". Thanks to my proposal, user will see name of the country in his language.

    It would be great to add subfield country in address to enum and list there all countries.