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Wordpress Form Integration

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  • #16
    Awesome suggestions!

    But may I ask further if the form data captured sends to espoCRM as a Ticket case immediately? is there a straight resolution?

    Thanks in advance.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mybers View Post
      Awesome suggestions!

      But may I ask further if the form data captured sends to espoCRM as a Ticket case immediately? is there a straight resolution?

      Thanks in advance.
      Yes. Code above insert data in ESPO DB, but My opinoin, Integration by direct data modification in EspoDB is not good idea. It require installation wordpress and espo on the same host and restrict safe upgrade espo.

      You can add code like this (adjust X-Api-Key or use another authorization method). Also you can see needed fields in DevTool and repeat it in your code (attachment image)

             $param_array = array (
                               description=> "Test case description"
                               name=> "Test Case"
                               priority=> "Normal"
                               status=> "New"
             $ch = curl_init();        
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"/api/v1/Case");
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,($param_array));
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-Api-Key: XXX'));
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             $server_output = curl_exec($ch);
      Attached Files


      • #18
        hi to all,
        any solution to integrate the ninkaform plugin with the "webhook" extension in espocrm? when I try to send a request the content type is set as "content-type ":" application / x-www-form-urlencoded",
        how can I set it as "content-type ":" application / json"?

        Ninjaform support not give me any solutions.

        Ninjaform's Webhook sends the lead correctly, but in a non-readable format from ESPO that rejects it with an error message because it is not in json format


        • #19
          May be this flag is for you?

          If not you can create custom EntryPoint or modify plugin code.
          Attached Files


        • #20
          Thank you very much for your reply, but I still don't understand.
          Where can I set the header?Where can i set nf_remote_post_args? with custom plugin? I'm not very familiar with the wordpress code, you would be very helpful if you could tell me the part of the code to add or change.

          Thanks again very much


          • dimyy
            dimyy commented
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            You shoud place code in the your theme functions.php (or use plugin like php inserter)

            add_action('nf_remote_post_args', 'addHeaders');

            function addHeaders($args) {
            $args['headers'] = array(
            'content-type' => 'application/json'
            return $args;

            Notice: I have no testing environment for your task and provided code not tested.

        • #21
          dimyy i love you so much *_* works perfectly


          • #22
            For non-developer users, you may interest in this product by eblasoft:

            Last edited by eymen-elkum; 04-18-2022, 07:27 AM.
            CEO of Eblasoft
            EspoCRM Expert since 2014
            Full Stack Web Developer since 2008
            Creator of Numerous Successful Extensions & Projects​


            • #23
              Originally posted by eymen-elkum View Post
              For non-developer users, you may interest in this product by eblasoft:

              is not good with espo 7x ?


              • eymen-elkum
                eymen-elkum commented
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                must be good, will appreciate your feedback here if had any issues with it

            • #24
              Originally posted by quentin View Post

              is not good with espo 7x ?

              when i save the api and the json get erased in form7 i did everything like the video


              • eymen-elkum
                eymen-elkum commented
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                Re-download the extension, just updated, in case you still have issues you may search on Wordpress resources, we informed from clients that it is working but we are not expert on Wordpress to guide how to fix WP issues.

              • quentin
                quentin commented
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                NICE JOB is good now

            • #25
              I am looking for an add-on or other posibility to get data from GravityForms into EspoCRM Leads.
              Can someone help me with this?


              • dimyy
                dimyy commented
                Editing a comment
                You can use gravity form webhook addon