Lets say i want to add one panel to accounts as extension. if i provide the layout/Account/relationships.json in my package it would overwrite my existing ones so i could either choose to not provide this file and the user has to configure it himself over the layout manager or i provide the default panels with my extended line and i would overwrite all manually configured relationships.
So it would be great to provide a possibility to just extend the existing layout relationships ( layout/<entity>/relationships.json ) instead of completly overwrite it if you act as a extensions.
Lets say i want to add one panel to accounts as extension. if i provide the layout/Account/relationships.json in my package it would overwrite my existing ones so i could either choose to not provide this file and the user has to configure it himself over the layout manager or i provide the default panels with my extended line and i would overwrite all manually configured relationships.
So it would be great to provide a possibility to just extend the existing layout relationships ( layout/<entity>/relationships.json ) instead of completly overwrite it if you act as a extensions.