Spanish - missing translations.
Hello, deputy updating my translation where I correct some missing text strings.Attached FilesLeave a comment:
Thank you. We can include it to the next minor release that should be out very soon.Leave a comment:
hello, I and translations (attached file).
For when they will be implemented ?.
thank you very muchAttached FilesLeave a comment:
We appreciate. po file is attached. If you translate missing labels and wrong translations we will be able to include fixes into release. Thank you.
Attached FilesLeave a comment:
hello, if I want to help.
please send me the file.
thank you very much.Leave a comment:
Thank you. If you want to improve and translate other labels we can send PO file.Leave a comment:
Spanish - missing translations.
hi i am using this crm and truth seems great.
But there are some missing translations implement, which I detail below:- has been received for empresa = ha sido recibido por la Empresa. (Deputy picture 1).
- View List = ver lista completa (Deputy picture 1).
- record has been removed = registro se ha eliminado.
I hope these translations can be corrected for the next release.
Thank you very much.3 PhotosTags: None
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