Worth considering:
It is great to have the opportunity to make a selection of eg Contacts and add the result set to a specific target list.
(You do this by making a target list, then add records from contacts, and filter those eg all contacts in Berlin, and select them)
Suppose I want a target list with all medical accounts from Berlin and all client contacts from Paraguay, I could include them that way.
The issue is that it is not dynamic: eg new records would not be included.
There is an option to "sync" a target list with a report, but it could make sense to actually store the filter criteria with te target list, like
"Target list 736" = Accounts (city = Berlin, Function = Medical) && Contacts(type=Client, Country=Paraguay)
Currently filters are are not editable (afaik)
Having such feature would enable ad hoc mailing of groups, without defining static target lists. .
Next thing to sort out : how do I mail a group of contacts that have a function within ACME corp?
It is great to have the opportunity to make a selection of eg Contacts and add the result set to a specific target list.
(You do this by making a target list, then add records from contacts, and filter those eg all contacts in Berlin, and select them)
Suppose I want a target list with all medical accounts from Berlin and all client contacts from Paraguay, I could include them that way.
The issue is that it is not dynamic: eg new records would not be included.
There is an option to "sync" a target list with a report, but it could make sense to actually store the filter criteria with te target list, like
"Target list 736" = Accounts (city = Berlin, Function = Medical) && Contacts(type=Client, Country=Paraguay)
Currently filters are are not editable (afaik)
Having such feature would enable ad hoc mailing of groups, without defining static target lists. .
Next thing to sort out : how do I mail a group of contacts that have a function within ACME corp?