Add this selection to target list : additional action for filtered result set

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  • rinorway
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 180

    Add this selection to target list : additional action for filtered result set

    Worth considering:

    It is great to have the opportunity to make a selection of eg Contacts and add the result set to a specific target list.

    (You do this by making a target list, then add records from contacts, and filter those eg all contacts in Berlin, and select them)

    Suppose I want a target list with all medical accounts from Berlin and all client contacts from Paraguay, I could include them that way.

    The issue is that it is not dynamic: eg new records would not be included.

    There is an option to "sync" a target list with a report, but it could make sense to actually store the filter criteria with te target list, like

    "Target list 736" = Accounts (city = Berlin, Function = Medical) && Contacts(type=Client, Country=Paraguay)

    Currently filters are are not editable (afaik)

    Having such feature would enable ad hoc mailing of groups, without defining static target lists. .

    Next thing to sort out : how do I mail a group of contacts that have a function within ACME corp?

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8716

    I don't understand the problem. You can setup target list to sync with reports in idle (by cron). Available through UI.
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    • rinorway
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 180

      Thank you for your answer, I must have missed the possibility to add multiple reports to a targetlist.

      The second question stays regarding how to get more complex queries into targetlists.

      For example

      Suppose I have an entity "Groups" where contacts can have a role in a group, eg chair in the preparation group, and I would like to inform all chairs.

      How would you make a Report of all contacts that have the chair role?

      Since we need to choose Contact as reporting entity, there is no way of selecting on field values of related entities.

      Report output example :

      Name --- Email ---- Role ----- Group
      John Chair Committee 1
      Mary Chair Committee 2

      Sven Chair Committee 45
      Paul Chair Committee 78

      Any suggestion on this would be helpful.
      Thank you


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8716

        Reports allows to filter by fields of related entities. When you pick Filters scroll it down. There are foreign fields in the list.
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

