Idea : Formula Sandbox as field type for admin

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  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1500

    Idea : Formula Sandbox as field type for admin

    i was in a big problem, i have a law entity (law change each year).
    the main (root) entity is meeting .. keep in mind all attendee for understand (user/contact/lead and custom Person entity)

    law have somes "major" fields who are same with other record, like :
    - duration
    - profession of User
    - graduate of User
    - date begin - date end
    - ...

    and others fields who change on every lay record, like :
    - contact age
    - contact insurance and type
    - contact attendee count
    - leads attendee count
    - persons attendee count
    - meeting duration
    - meeting place
    - meeting parent and superParent
    - ..

    i have a front-end button just left on each contact as attendee.. who get :
    - id of the clicked attendee contact
    - id of the meeting

    on back-end i have some selectBuilder for get all "avaible law for this contact and this meeting".. but the problem was, i can't make selectBuilder for all law record !!

    Then the idea was : Formula Sandbox
    i have create a "Rule" fields in law entity and make this :

    PHP Code:
            "rule": {
                "type": "text",
                "rowsMin": 2,
                "cutHeight": 400,
                "displayRawText": false,
                "isCustom": true,
                "view": "views/fields/formula"
    and then, in rule field i write a formula : if .... then ... else see print-screen for somes sample

    and then in back end :
    PHP Code:
            $targetLink = LinkParent::create( $meeting->getEntityType() , $meeting->getId() );
            $variable = $this->getScriptVariable( $user, $contactInsurance, $contact ,$meeting );   // there i get all required variable from different entity​
            foreach($lawList as $law){
                $expression = $law->get('rule') ?? null;
                if (!$expression || !is_string($expression)) {
                // MAGIC PLACE
                $result = $this->formulaService->run($variable .$expression, $targetLink)->toStdClass()
                if($result->output == 'true') array_push($this->findedNomenclatureList ,$law->get('nomenCode'));} 
    PHP Code:
        private function getScriptVariable( Entity $user, Entity $contactInsurance, Entity $contact , Entity $meeting) : ?string
            $dofbirth = new DateTime( $contact->get('dofbirth'));
            $dateOfMeeting = new Datetime( $meeting->get('date') );
            $ddiff = $dateOfMeeting->diff($dofbirth);
            $visio = ( $meeting->get('visio')) ? 1 : 0;
            $userIntern = ( $user->get('qualified') == 'Intern') ? 1 : 0;
            $place = $meeting->get('place');
            $contactType = $contact->get('type');
            $contactIntern = ( $contact->get('intern') == true) ? 1 : 0;
            $pass = ( $contactInsurance->get('type') == 'Pass') ? 1 : 0;
            $interpreter = ( $meeting->get('interpreter') ) ? 1 : 0;
            $age = $ddiff->y;
            $this->contactAge = $age;
            $prescription = $this->getPrescription($contact, $meeting);
            $scriptVariable = '$age=' ."{$age};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$prescription=' ."{$prescription};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$pass=' ."{$pass};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$visio=' ."{$visio};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$userIntern=' ."{$userIntern};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$place=' ."'{$place}';";
            $scriptVariable .= '$contactType=' ."'{$contactType}';";
            $scriptVariable .= '$contactIntern=' ."{$contactIntern};";
            $scriptVariable .= '$interpreter=' ."{$interpreter};";
            return $scriptVariable;
    So, in futur.. i have no to change code... just adapt content of rule field.. maybe somethime, i need to add new variable

    Hope this idea can be utile for anybody.

    Of course, all is dependant of Formula .. and EspoCrm
    Last edited by item; 04-23-2024, 09:09 AM.
    If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    I run away when I see long code. But thank you!

    I have to change our formula each year as well, as the 'fee' change. Last year I just copy the old year, put it in a comment, update the current fee and call it a day.

    Obviously there is an issue if I create/archive older year file, but that is for the future to think about....


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Since 2023-01, i have for 227 law records... 3743 fees ! all fees is dependant of all params in post 1. "Heureusement", i pump the official site of governement, get xml and parse it each month..and "update or create new fee"..

      For your case, it's very simple (if i understand?) :
      create a custom entity :
      - Period with 3 fields dbegin/dend/index = sample : 2024-01-01 - 2024-12-31 - 1
      - for entity where is the fee, create a field feeBase = sample 1euro

      so each year :
      create a new record in Periode :
      2025-01-01 - 2025-12-31 - 1.2

      and by formula : you juste need find the Periode , get the "index" value and set your fee to : feeBase * index.
      so in this case : fee = 1 * 1.2 => 1.2 augmentation of 20%

    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      Ah smart, you create another entity. That mean we can API it somehow to do data update.

      I think about doing something similar at the end of the year. Unfortunately I still can't do API. And I'm not sure if our Government have API/XML for these information.

      I usually just look at their website and grab the new % and $ from there.