Address field extension prepared by

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  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1405

    Address field extension prepared by

    Hello guys,
    we've published new extension which will allow you new type of field address. There is one difference, you don't have to enter country in varchar field, we've prepared enum list with all countries.
    We've prepared 29 translations, all languages which EspoCRM use are covered.

    This extension is a response to few posts of users which needed specified list of countries instead of field where users can put everything they want.
    You can also adjust already existed fields to our field. All information available in repo.

    Github repo:
    Extension page:
  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2204

    Awesome, I kinda want to try it but don't have a development server to test it with.

    With existing address field, do I need to totally replace the address field to be Dubas Address? And, does this field affect the Map feature?


    • emillod
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 1405

      esforim as i mentioned here:
      You CAN use our field with already existed addressess. You just need to change addressCountry from i.e. United States to US.
      Then after changing type of field(information in repo), address will be correct, changed value will be recognized and our field will show full name of coutry in your language.


      • emillod
        Active Community Member
        • Apr 2017
        • 1405

        If you want to test it, please do that on seperated enviornment, because of course we're testing our extensions, but we're not able to test all scenarios. If you want i can record a video where you can see how it's working. For know i'm not sure do we want to share our demo instance, maybe we do that..

        I've also received to create similar enum field for STATES in address. And i'm looking into that, but i'm not convinced, because:
        1. I can't find any list which have all states/regions for all countries and to prepare that field i need to have that.
        2. I could prepare this enum with visibility conditions, so specific regions/states will be available only after you choose specific country
        3. Because of the number of these countries(something around 250 countries), i believe that this field could have even more than 1000 values/options. And it could have bad impact on performance..


        • marcusquinn
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2021
          • 133

          Nice work - going to give this a test!

          For interest, for labels, I usually do this: United Kingdom (UK), United States (USA) because it helps people find when typing either way in search select inputs.

          What do you think of creating a similar extension for adding Timezone and Nationality as field types?


          • emillod
            Active Community Member
            • Apr 2017
            • 1405

            marcusquinn thanks for kind words.
            I believe it should be implemented in EspoCRM core by devs, not us extension
            You can of course adjust extension to your needs. You can add custom labels through GUI

            What do you mean by "adding Timezone and Nationality as field types"? Any details?


            • marcusquinn
              marcusquinn commented
              Editing a comment
              As in drop-downs for those options. Seems crazy to create them manually everywhere.