BPMN: unable to set reminders on task creation
I started digging into this issue which seems really silly.
I see that application/Espo/Modules/Advanced/Core/Workflow/Actions/BaseEntity.php is used to getValue() for the new Task entity so I traced with a print_r() what is the result there and what is the return of GetDataToFill():
Code:[2019-04-02 14:43:25] Espo.DEBUG: Workflow\Actions\BaseEntity: getDataToFill() Array ( [name] => Reperire materiale [dateEnd] => 2019-04-03 14:43:25 [description] => - Invio richiesta per materiale. - Una volta ottenuto il materiale รจ caricato su dropbox, cartella cliente. [reminders] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => Email [seconds] => 3600 ) ) ) [] []
Code:$newEntity = $entityManager->getEntity($linkEntityName); $data = $this->getDataToFill($newEntity, $actionData->fields); $newEntity->set($data);
Code:[2019-04-02 15:10:35] Espo.DEBUG: Workflow\Actions\createEntity newEntity->get('reminders'): Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => Email [seconds] => 3600 ) ) [] []
It seems that reminders is not storable in task entity def so where is it saved?
Any ideas where to look?
MicheLast edited by michib; 04-02-2019, 04:09 PM. -
Problem solved thanks to Yuri.
It was tricky: setting reminders for a task requires having an assigned user to the task too. So the solution was to add a 3rd action to the task adding the reminder after the 2nd that assigned the user via auto-assignment rule.