Hi EspoCRM,
we have Espo 5.5.6 with AP 1.33.7 and VoIP Integration 1.9.1 on Linux EspoCRM 4.4.128-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.4.128-111 Debian Stretch, PHP Version 7.0.33, MariaDB version 10.1.37-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 --> up and running. All system requirements are ok, green. Installation made with: https://www.espocrm.com/features/ast...gration-setup/, cron is running etc...
The connection between Asterisk 13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u4 is fine. Incoming calls for the user are resolved inside EspoCRM.
But if i want to make an outgoing call i get the following error
on Chrome console:
When i click on the number Asterisk's AMI says:
Enabled DEBUG, but there is no message while trying to initiate the outgoing call.
Further deactivated and activated VoIP in Settings, but it doesn't work.
I am stuck ;-)
Could you please give me a hint what to do.
Thanks and best regards,
we have Espo 5.5.6 with AP 1.33.7 and VoIP Integration 1.9.1 on Linux EspoCRM 4.4.128-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.4.128-111 Debian Stretch, PHP Version 7.0.33, MariaDB version 10.1.37-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 --> up and running. All system requirements are ok, green. Installation made with: https://www.espocrm.com/features/ast...gration-setup/, cron is running etc...
The connection between Asterisk 13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u4 is fine. Incoming calls for the user are resolved inside EspoCRM.
But if i want to make an outgoing call i get the following error
on Chrome console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) espo.min.js?r=1548945009:20 Server side error 500: Extension does not exist. (anonymous) @ espo.min.js?r=1548945009:20
When i click on the number Asterisk's AMI says:
== Manager 'admin' logged off from 192.xxx.x.xxx == Manager 'admin' logged on from 192.xxx.x.xxx
Enabled DEBUG, but there is no message while trying to initiate the outgoing call.
Further deactivated and activated VoIP in Settings, but it doesn't work.
I am stuck ;-)
Could you please give me a hint what to do.
Thanks and best regards,