In file application/Espo/Modules/RealEstate/Repositories/RealEstateProperty.php, function beforeSave, there is a statement in propertyType switch which prevent Apartment to have more than one floor.
This is not correct, at least in Italy, as an apartment may have more than one floor. I deleted (commented) such statement in my own copy of the Real Estate Extension.
In my opinion, it should be evaluated if "$entity->set('floorCount', null);" is still needed in next version of Real Estate extension.
I don't know if this is the correct place for this kind of comment but I couldn't find any other places.
Best regards,
This is not correct, at least in Italy, as an apartment may have more than one floor. I deleted (commented) such statement in my own copy of the Real Estate Extension.
In my opinion, it should be evaluated if "$entity->set('floorCount', null);" is still needed in next version of Real Estate extension.
I don't know if this is the correct place for this kind of comment but I couldn't find any other places.
Best regards,