Advanced Pack - New Mailchimp API

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  • lucakuehne
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 195

    Advanced Pack - New Mailchimp API

    So I installed the newest Advanced Pack Release with the new Mailchimp API.
    1. Thankfully with the newest API the error with fetching sent mails trough Mailchimp multiple times is fixes. Thank you for that :-)
    2. But now all the synchronisation between Mailchimp and EspoCRM ist delayed. I think I found the reason for that: Click image for larger version  Name:	EspoCRM_Jobs.png Views:	1 Size:	36.3 KB ID:	25695

    As you can see it is 09:34 (1), but there are 117 Jobs (4) that are planed to run in the past (3) already. You can see this by 2 in the picture.
    I thin there are just too many jobs that EspoCRM is able to handle them...
    I also have no clue from where the Job "MailChimp: loadBatchResult" is coming? I have no such Job in my Job list:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	EspoCRM_PlannedJobs.JPG Views:	2 Size:	68.7 KB ID:	25697
    Attached Files
  • tanya
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 4308

    The problem is API has a bug with report getting (sent-to and activities). And we have to load all members from list and make batch requests for getting these report results (for each email address, 100 members in batch). Data field of each pending job is unique. Batch response can be ready in some time (maybe 1 minute, maybe few hours) and we have to check it, until they're done.

    We will think how to minimize count of additional jobs.
    Thanks for response


    • lucakuehne
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 195

      Yes please.. It's getting worse and worse.. I now have 425 pending Jobs.. I don't know if jobs are getting processed one by one or all at the same time.. If they are getting processed one by one my mails don't get fetched by time and I'll have to wait up to an hour for them to appear in EspoCRM..

      EDIT: They are getting processed one by one.. I just waited about 45 Minutes, for a Mail that I received at 14:30, and now at about 15:15 it was in EspoCRM..
      Last edited by lucakuehne; 01-05-2017, 02:17 PM.


      • tanya
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 4308

        Stop scheduled job "MailChimp Sync" to avoid new jobs. And (if you can), check espo log file, I just want to know, if have any errors.


        • lucakuehne
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2016
          • 195

          Originally posted by tanya
          Stop scheduled job "MailChimp Sync" to avoid new jobs.
          But then the EspoCRM Jobs don't get Synced at all? Or are the "MailChimp: loadBatchResult"-Jobs running altough I stopped de "MailChimp Sync"?

          Originally posted by tanya
          And (if you can), check espo log file, I just want to know, if have any errors.
          Error-Log of 08.01.2017:
          HTML Code:
          [2017-01-08 17:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09de757c31df4) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET  [] []
          Error-Log of 05.01.2017:
          HTML Code:
          [2017-01-05 09:05:12] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (updateCampaignLogFromMailChimp) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET  [] []
          [2017-01-05 09:06:50] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [586e0c03a8a81a25d]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
          [2017-01-05 09:06:52] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [586e0c03a9885cf5e]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
          [2017-01-05 09:06:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (updateCampaignLogFromMailChimp) : MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
          [2017-01-05 09:06:54] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [586e0ad59214754a7]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
          These we're all the Logs related to Mailchimp in the last few days. I got a lot more of those "more than 500 pending jobs", but I didn't insert them all..


          • tanya
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2014
            • 4308

            need few day for improving this integration
            for now you can add this
            if ($e->getCode() == 404) {
                            $batch = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('MailChimpBatch', $batchId);
            to advanced/application/Espo/Modules/Advanced/Services/MailChimp.php between 212 and 213 rows


            • lucakuehne
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2016
              • 195

              Originally posted by tanya
              need few day for improving this integration
              Alright, thank you!

              Originally posted by tanya
              for now you can add this
              if ($e->getCode() == 404) {
              $batch = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('MailChimpBatch', $batchId);
              to advanced/application/Espo/Modules/Advanced/Services/MailChimp.php between 212 and 213 rows
              What does this code do?


              • alasdaircr
                Active Community Member
                • Aug 2014
                • 525

                Looks like it removes batch requests stored in Espo which are no longer registered with Mailchimp (404).


                • lucakuehne
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 195

                  This code didn't work at all for me.. Now all the Jobs in are the state "Running" but it seems like they are never going to finish.. Also I have no new Mailchimp-Jobs since about 15 minutes..
                  I needed to PASTE after row 212 an not REPLACE some code, correct?

                  UPDATE: I pasted the original code into the file and now its even worse. I have no clue why...
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	espo_jobs.JPG
Views:	582
Size:	69.3 KB
ID:	25965
                  Last edited by lucakuehne; 01-18-2017, 01:51 PM.


                  • tanya
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 4308

                    Check log files (apache error first). This code doesn't create new jobs... Just delete batches, are deleted in MailChimp...
                    Last edited by tanya; 01-18-2017, 02:26 PM.


                    • lucakuehne
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2016
                      • 195

                      i don't think it's an error of the webserver

                      [Wed Jan 18 11:23:56.430856 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 7972] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:26632] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 7972, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 11:37:12.422832 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 21246] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:46705] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 21246, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 11:38:31.560860 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 24474] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:33951] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 24474, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.903155 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 25628] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:25264] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 25628, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.922222 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 24547] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:4510] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 24547, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.940976 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 25955] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:56879] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 25955, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.959593 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 23457] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:59747] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 23457, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.978625 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 15391] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:24768] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 15391, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      [Wed Jan 18 14:20:58.997478 2017] [fcgid:emerg] [pid 21074] (22)Invalid argument: [client <client_ip>:22015] mod_fcgid: can't lock process table in pid 21074, referer: http://espocrm.<domain>.com/
                      EspoCRM-Log (Part1):
                      First I have many of these errors:
                      [2017-01-18 11:35:08] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      Then the next:
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:45] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:.*, Params:Array ( ) , InputData:  -  [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:45] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: , Code: 404 URL: /?entryPoint=attachment&id=577510f01a5592db4 [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:45] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Slim\Exception\Stop: "" at /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 1013 {"exception":"[object] (Slim\\Exception\\Stop(code: 0):  at /home/httpd/vhosts/"} []
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:53] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:.*, Params:Array ( ) , InputData:  -  [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:53] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: , Code: 404 URL: /?entryPoint=attachment&id=577510f71ab0f819a [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:37:53] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Slim\Exception\Stop: "" at /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 1013 {"exception":"[object] (Slim\\Exception\\Stop(code: 0):  at /home/httpd/vhosts/"} []
                      [2017-01-18 11:45:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:45:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:55:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 11:55:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:05:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:05:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:15:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:15:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:25:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:25:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:35:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:35:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:45:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:45:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:55:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 12:55:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:05:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:05:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:15:07] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:15:07] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:26:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:26:05] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:27:03] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:27:03] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:43:03] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:43:03] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:44:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:44:04] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:44:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:44:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:45:46] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6d2b14972a97e]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:45:49] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6d2b14972a97e]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:44] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6d2b1f7f2cb83]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:44] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6d2b2021e577d]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:46] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:47] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:51] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6f41c43025c15]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:51] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f7032327c8e177]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:46:51] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f703246b26f106]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:08] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:08] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:50] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6dd94f347f3c5]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:52] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:52] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:53] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:53] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 570774f977d2acff1 (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:57] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6f41c43025c15]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:58] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f7032327c8e177]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:58] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f703246b26f106]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:58] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6f05b66107653]. [] []
                      [2017-01-18 13:47:58] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f6f4181630fbe8]. [] []


                      • lucakuehne
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 195

                        EspoCRM-Log (Part2):
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:02] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5b15509f564) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (updateCampaignLogFromMailChimp) : MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4dd47a44d09) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4cdf64340cf) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4cdf64340cf) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4b038485073) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4b038485073) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4a1ba7857f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4a1ba7857f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c2fae2d76aff) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c2fae2d76aff) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3097afe791b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3097afe791b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f719af352ee364]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f71cb5e6a7f06f]. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f71cb6095da0a5]. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f71cb61c0cd300]. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c324cd944855) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c324cd944855) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (updateCampaignLogFromMailChimp) : MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f71cb6095da0a5]. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: empty Job entity [587f71cb61c0cd300]. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3317b57e86f) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3317b57e86f) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e0a22a7f3e13) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e0a22a7f3e13) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e090bf159905) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e090bf159905) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e06f1c3d32b3) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e06f1c3d32b3) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e05ec318b2f4) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e05ec318b2f4) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d590dc566d88c0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d590dc566d88c0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d590cce826d1e0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d590ae2b9ceb03) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                        [2017-01-18 13:50:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d5909e2092bf09) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []


                        • lucakuehne
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2016
                          • 195

                          EspoCRM-Log (Part3):
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:52] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5b15509f564) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5b15509f564) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4dd47a44d09) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4dd47a44d09) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4cdf64340cf) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4cdf64340cf) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4b038485073) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4b038485073) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4a1ba7857f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a4a1ba7857f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c2fae2d76aff) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3097afe791b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c2fae2d76aff) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3097afe791b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c324cd944855) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c324cd944855) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3317b57e86f) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6c3317b57e86f) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:50:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2e0a22a7f3e13) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:03] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f719af352ee364]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:48] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:49] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0962ad043bfa9) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:49] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6e8d64596441d) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:49] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0961c1877a03b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:49] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6e8e4e0ba03fa) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:49] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6e902be9008a3) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:50] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6e9123144b355) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:50] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e095fdfe579763) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:50] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e095ee91a75018) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:50] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d57f1ccffd403f) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:51:50] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d57f09e3f3486a) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:04] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f719af352ee364]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:53] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d57eeda8a88230) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d57ee06125629c) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2d53cd1836058) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2d52e3a898a2c) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                          [2017-01-18 13:52:54] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2d51287aa27c0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []


                          • lucakuehne
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2016
                            • 195

                            EspoCRM-Log (Part4):

                            [2017-01-18 13:52:55] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e2d5029d03d611) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:52:56] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5c0b41887cd) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:51] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [587f71cb62f763d50]. Error Details: MailChimp: Error after requesting POST You have more than 500 pending batches. Please wait for some to complete before adding any more. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:51] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5e00fb8619c) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:51] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a5ee4723bec3) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a60183f642ab) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a615d9320582) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a6337b8ebb59) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0a640703810f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0bead2b47a11d) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:52] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0bebe21f4f325) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0bedb2429af77) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:53:53] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0bee889f82be8) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:54:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0ca5c5506bf0e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:54:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0ca6e23706880) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:54:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0ca905cf4f8c3) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:54:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0ca9da63e97e1) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6cfdc5ca26180) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6cfedbadf78c1) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d02cfdbdfdef) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d03b679b9abd) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d07a64659104) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d08b3fb4d49e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d0c76b33cddf) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d0d1798cc54a) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09bdb9f7f617b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d11552e051ff) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d1186d8d9cec) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09bb1542d70f7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d168344e2fe8) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 13:59:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d16ab6c16df8) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d1b0f746e72b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d1b8e0369439) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d1fc5dacc04a) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d200471e0cca) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09b3acb1166c0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d246737b1815) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d2471715939b) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d289fbb6c0fd) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d2922ed316af) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:05] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09ae45448f495) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                            [2017-01-18 14:00:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d2d7ced3400d) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []


                            • lucakuehne
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2016
                              • 195

                              EspoCRM-Log (Part5):

                              [2017-01-18 14:00:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d2d8e7453863) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:00:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d31a9058e6f9) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:00:06] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d31cd9b01881) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:00:07] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09a9df1d25306) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d36495e4cc87) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d364be946120) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d3b63ca9784d) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d3bede1a26dc) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d403aabfab4e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d40aa2d43166) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d4281cac44a5) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6d4335fb0aab2) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09a59cd4476ee) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09a10a1201b0e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e099c757cbb0a7) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0997bff82a493) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0993777f7e45e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e098e2be2cbcd9) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:01:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e09895a8ff8275) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:02] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e0984ddaa84d36) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e098082e0e5c05) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e097bc372431a0) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586e097707ae4394e) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d5776616ec24c4) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:03] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586d5773dff4f862a) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []
                              [2017-01-18 14:02:04] Espo.ERROR: MailChimp (loadBatchResult - batchId 586b6f9d5eb64db25) : MailChimp: Error after requesting GET The requested resource could not be found. [] []

