How to display Product Brand beside the Product Name?
Hi Triggerz,
If you are using a version of EspoCRM higher than 8.1.5, first disable the prefix functionality in {ESPOCRM_PATH}/data/config.php file. Change the 'customPrefixDisabled' parameter value from false to true ('customPrefixDisabled' => true). You can change this value back to false after completing all the following steps.
Next, you should go to Administration > Entity Manager > Product Brand > Relationships and create the following relationship:
After this, go to Administration > Entity Manager > Opportunity Item > Fields > Product and select the Brand field in Fields to Copy option:
To display the Brand field on the Opportunity Item layout, go to Administration > Entity Manager > Opportunity Item > Layouts > Item (List) and drag the Product Brand field to the Enabled column:
After completing all the steps, you will be able to see the product brand on the Opportunity Item layout: