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scheduled BPM

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  • scheduled BPM


    i am new (on BPM) but i think it's the best place for my requirement

    - scheduled start. every day at 16h
    - loop for all meeting +1 day (tommorow) and status planned
    - find attendee contact/lead
    - if contact have a phone, send sms else if lead have a phone send sms

    maybe with sub-process .. so it can be a sample for study case for everybody

    Who can help me for this

  • #2
    It is easy to set up. You create a report with filters as per the screenshot attached here.

    Import the bpmn csv included in the attached zip file here and test it on some data to see if works, it should work.

    hope this helps
    Attached Files
    Web Dev


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Many Thanks Rabii..
      I will post here if not understand and study

      Best Regard

  • #3
    Hi Rabii,
    learned 2 think :
    -> BPM "can" (or must?) use Report
    -> Boundary Event : if error in the loop, he send notification.

    The bpm is now active as test, hope i will receive 2 sms Sunday ... one as Contact, one as Lead

    Next step, i will learn sub-process... need to find a sample requirement where i can understand

    Thanks again.


    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      sub process is not that hard, consider it as a small process within the big process. But it is powerful when applied in a flowchart.

  • #4
    item - you have to use Reports. Here you have a video How to set scheduled flowcharts through Advanced Pack in EspoCRM (​


    • item
      item commented
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      Thanks Many Emil, i know yours video is perfect..and i have subscribe to your channel...
      but it's me, i forget and my english poor for understand .. i need sample in my "case" for understand :s

  • #5
    item have you managed to configure schedule in your automation based on report? Or you need any additional help?


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi Emil,
      yes yes .. i receive Sms .. perfectly.
      Job is accomplished with following rabii help.

  • #6

    this User report is used in Flowchart..
    so i need to send email to each Users..

    How i can get the value "id" of User or other value present in report in FlowChart ?
    And last question, it's there a way to Test the flowchart like sandbox ?

    Attached Files


    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      in the flowchart if the target entity is the User then all attributes of the users from the report will be accessed as normal like (name etc). the way it works is the system will read the report collection and will iterate through the collection passing each user to the flowchart. It is easy to send email email to the users from the report. i will share with you a flowchart.

    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi Rabii,
      Thanks.. now understand ..
      what's a genius tools AdvancedPack and of course EspoCrm

  • #7
    Hi Rabii,

    just 2 question :
    - report of user have userName, phoneNumber and emailAdress as result
    i access to these field so : userName, phoneNumber ? without somrthing so $phone = object\get($c, 'phoneNumber') ?

    - if report result is empty, what happend ? we don't need a gateway after the start ?


    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      just userName, phoneNumber etc

      If report result is empty system will not trigger the action.

    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Rabii

    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      i have designed a flowchart for you but i can't upload it here. some issue with space per user. if you send me your email i will be happy to send it over via email.

  • #8
    Hi Rabii,

    is this possible :

    in a pie chart, we have result in : %

    is this possible to have in a grid report, the result in : % and not in "Count".

    sample :
    ........child. adult
    coca. 10%. 90%
    fanta. 20%. 5%
    redbul 70%. 5%
    ........100%. 100%


    • rabii
      rabii commented
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      what do you mean by grid report result in %? can you share a screenshot of an example

  • #9
    Hi Rabii,
    look these print-screen :

    The pie graph have in graph %, you can see 8% as sample, but in table result, is count.

    In grid report, all result is "count". my goal, i think we need a new "converter/function orm" to get result as %
    so table result is in % and not "count".

    As it's pay extension.. we can't post anithink.. but is there a possibility with function as SWITCH or MAP or Complexe Expression

    EDIT : i just realise (think), we can't have % result in 2 dimension axis (x, y).. . need to choose maybe.
    Last edited by item; 05-02-2024, 09:33 PM. Reason: is not possible to have % in 2 axis, only one (x or y)

