It's really amazing development that product has options now. One small aspect that I can't find how to realize - import of price-list for diferent product variants.
As sample we has service "A" with atributes like "Type": New/Modify and "Subscription duration": 1M, 12M, 24M... also we have a diferent pricing per quantiry 1, 3, 5, 10....
I can't find how to import my price-list and asign the proper pirces to particular variant: "Service A - Modify - 12M" Quantity 1-10eur; 3-7eur; 5-2eur; 10-1eur....
In this sequence I has thousands of variations (SKU), so there are no willingness to enter all prices manually
As sample we has service "A" with atributes like "Type": New/Modify and "Subscription duration": 1M, 12M, 24M... also we have a diferent pricing per quantiry 1, 3, 5, 10....
I can't find how to import my price-list and asign the proper pirces to particular variant: "Service A - Modify - 12M" Quantity 1-10eur; 3-7eur; 5-2eur; 10-1eur....
In this sequence I has thousands of variations (SKU), so there are no willingness to enter all prices manually
