notStorable field which is count of relation

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  • czcpf
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 160

    notStorable field which is count of relation


    Simply trying to have a notStorable field "totalTaskCount" which counts the number or related records of an existing link for this entity called "complianceTasks".

    APPROACH 1 does not work, which attempts to use the "select" object syntax in entityDefs I see in some of the core files.

    So Instead, I went with APPROACH 2 and used a loaders to set the count, which does work but I don't know what to put for "order" to be able to actually order by this field in list view. It is just a simple integer.

    entityDefs snippet

    "fields": {​
    "complianceTasks": {
    "type": "linkMultiple",
    "layoutDetailDisabled": false,
    "layoutMassUpdateDisabled": false,
    "layoutListDisabled": false,
    "noLoad": false,
    "importDisabled": false,
    "exportDisabled": false,
    "customizationDisabled": false,
    "isCustom": true
    "totalTaskCount": {
    "name": "totalTaskCount",
    "label": "Flags",
    "type": "int",
    "notStorable": true,
    "isCustom": true,
    "select": {
    "select": "COUNT:(",
    "leftJoins": [
    "complianceTask.complianceReportId:": "id",
    "complianceTask.deleted": false
    "order": {
    "order": [
    ["COUNT:(", "{direction}"]
    "leftJoins": [
    "complianceTask.complianceReportId:": "id",
    "complianceTask.deleted": false
    "links": {
    "complianceTasks": {
    "type": "hasMany",
    "foreign": "complianceReport",
    "entity": "ComplianceTask",
    "audited": false,
    "isCustom": true
    -[listLoader] (Works but how to order?)

    selectDefs snippet
    "readLoaderClassNameList": [
    "Espo\\Custom\\Classes\\FieldProcessing\\Complianc eReport\\ComplianceTaskCountLoader"
    "listLoaderClassNameList": [
    "Espo\\Custom\\Classes\\FieldProcessing\\Complianc eReport\\ComplianceTaskCountLoader"

    entityDefs snippet
    "totalTaskCount": {
    "name": "totalTaskCount",
    "label": "Flags",
    "type": "int",
    "notStorable": true,
    "isCustom": true
    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\Classes\FieldProcessing\ComplianceReport;
    use Espo\Custom\Entities\ComplianceTask;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    use Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata;
    use Espo\Core\{
    * @implements Loader<\Espo\Custom\Entities\ComplianceReport>
    class ComplianceTaskCountLoader implements Loader
    * @var string[]
    private EntityManager $entityManager;
    private Metadata $metadata;
    public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, Metadata $metadata)
    $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
    $this->metadata = $metadata;
    public function process(Entity $entity, Params $params): void
    if (
    $params->hasSelect() &&
    !in_array('totalTaskCount', $params->getSelect() ?? [])
    ) {
    $totalTaskCount = $this->entityManager
    ->getRelation($entity, 'complianceTasks')
    $entity->set('totalTaskCount', $totalTaskCount?:0);

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8627

    Hi, IIRC I wrote to you in another thread that the second approach does not support order.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8627

      You can create a custom complex expression function that will return a whole SELECT sub-query calculating count for a current row. Then use this expression in "select" parameter.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • czcpf
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2022
        • 160

        Originally posted by yuri
        You can create a custom complex expression function that will return a whole SELECT sub-query calculating count for a current row. Then use this expression in "select" parameter.
        Ok, I still don’t understand why Approach 1 syntax doesn’t return the correct count. That same syntax (albeit without the COUNT expression) is all over the code base. Does select in that approach not work on a collection of rows or something?

        if I write a custom complex expression as you suggest, what do I put for the order part ?

        If you have time, could you please post a code snippet example of using approach 1 with a custom complex expression that counts the number of related entries as well as the syntax for order ? There are several posts on this from various users who have asked similar questions and it would be wonderful to have a working example.

