I would like to ask if its possible to fetch metadata for some field through api?
I am developing internal helpdesk application, a simple ticket system that transfers tickets from user form to espocrm via API.
I have field "type" in "case" entity and I need options for this field to be displayed dynamically in form according to how they are set in espo instead of hard coding them in PHP.
I figured that admin api endpoint for this is https://espo.crm.url/api/v1/Admin/fi...ager/Case/type but API user doesn't have enough rights to access this.
Any help? Thanks
I would like to ask if its possible to fetch metadata for some field through api?
I am developing internal helpdesk application, a simple ticket system that transfers tickets from user form to espocrm via API.
I have field "type" in "case" entity and I need options for this field to be displayed dynamically in form according to how they are set in espo instead of hard coding them in PHP.
I figured that admin api endpoint for this is https://espo.crm.url/api/v1/Admin/fi...ager/Case/type but API user doesn't have enough rights to access this.
Any help? Thanks