Is it possible to fetch the attachment of an invoice?
I run the following get command to get a list of todays invoices:
https://crm.domain.com/api/v1/Invoice?where[0][type]=equals&where[0][field]=dateInvoiced&where[0][value]={{ $json.today }}
What I want to do then is to iterate and go through all the invoices and get it's attachment or attachment ID.
Is it possible to fetch the attachment of an invoice?
I run the following get command to get a list of todays invoices:
https://crm.domain.com/api/v1/Invoice?where[0][type]=equals&where[0][field]=dateInvoiced&where[0][value]={{ $json.today }}
What I want to do then is to iterate and go through all the invoices and get it's attachment or attachment ID.