Rename Entity / Fields without records

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  • MaxDau
    • Nov 2022
    • 38

    Rename Entity / Fields without records


    Is it possible to rename fields or objects if there are no records for them or I have deleted all data?
    Or do I have to delete them, create them again and redo all relations?​
  • shalmaxb
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 1638

    You will have to delete fields, relations and entities you want to rename. You could befor export the data and try to import again.

    After having deleted, have a look into your database, because sometimes the respective fields will not be deleted and this may cause problems with the afterwards new created entities etc.
    Delete any tables from old fields, relations and entities before craeting new ones.


    • MaxDau
      MaxDau commented
      Editing a comment
      What is the recommended way to connect to the DB in Docker?

    • shalmaxb
      shalmaxb commented
      Editing a comment
      I do not use docker (in fact I don`t like it), but google for this: access database in docker container
      Depends on your OS and installation.

    • MaxDau
      MaxDau commented
      Editing a comment
      1. open the docker-compose.yml in /var/www/espocrm
      2. in services->espocrm-mysql add
      - "3308:3306"

      3. restart with docker compuse up -d
      4. In your software, you have to use port 3308 instead of 3306

      I was very surprised that access was possible so easily without adjusting any permissions.