define('custom:views/xray-machine/fields/xray-modality-category', ['views/fields/link'], function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ setup: function () { //call parent setup; this.validations.push('linkDependent'); this.listenTo(this.model,'before:save', () => { if( this.validate() ) { Espo.Ui.error('Invalid', true); throw new Error('Invalid'); //Without this line, the validation proceeds but the record still saves... ? How do stop inlineEditSave from saving the record ? } }); }, validateLinkDependent: function () { console.log('called: validateLinkDependent'); if(true) { // my custom validation logic here let msg = this.translate('fieldInvalid', 'messages') .replace('{field}', this.getLabelText()); this.showValidationMessage(msg); return true; } }, }); });
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