Hello Team,
I'll kindly need help on generating the following reports for our sales team as I seem to be stuck on this at the moment
1. Number of leads assigned to a user (sales rep) in a given time frame (filter by a date period). This can be done from the Leads page by filtering by the 'Assigned User' and 'Created By' date but it is a pain doing it for 30 people. We want to be able to see the report easily. We would like this for both individual users and for Teams.
2. Conversion rate per user (sales rep) within a given time frame. Basically, the [number of leads within a period/ number of leads converted to opportunities x 100] . E.g, if 10 leads were assigned to the user (sales rep) between Jan 1, 2022 - Jan 31 2022, and the sales rep converted just 5, then the conversion rate would be 50%.
I'll really need help on how to go about creating this report if possible.
Thank you very much.