In ESPO 6.1.0 I had:
This would call the `serviceFunctionName` function which is under the Services/ class.
How do I achieve the same in 7.0.1 as I cannot use the getServiceFactory() method from job class anymore.
telecastg Any ideas? Thank You :-)
In ESPO 6.1.0 I had:
protected function getRecordService($name) {[INDENT]if ($this->getServiceFactory()->checkExists($name)) {[/INDENT][INDENT=2]$service = $this->getServiceFactory()->create($name);[/INDENT][INDENT]} else {[/INDENT][INDENT=2]$service = $this->getServiceFactory()->create('Record'); $service->setEntityType($name);[/INDENT][INDENT]} return $service;[/INDENT] } public function run() {[INDENT]$this->getRecordService('ServiceName')->serviceFuntionName($data);[/INDENT] }
How do I achieve the same in 7.0.1 as I cannot use the getServiceFactory() method from job class anymore.
telecastg Any ideas? Thank You :-)