do someone can help me to learn what is the right or best way to develop connection from/to Espo and external accounting software?
do someone can help me to learn what is the right or best way to develop connection from/to Espo and external accounting software?
- create new entity(s) where store accountig data needed to view in Espo?
- update accounting entity(s) with scheduled job(s)?
- in other way is possible only request data from accounting software (via API) from UI in Account (or Contact) new panel without storing anything in Espo?
- needed some new rules on Account/Contact entities (for example new field erpCode, if erpCode is not empty all entity fields must be protected, changes will be made only in accounting software and after updated in Espo)
- for easy update differents enviroments may be the best way develop a custom extesnion?
- to begin extension developing learning is it a good way study real estate extension? https://www.espocrm.com/extensions/real-estate/
- other suggestions?