How to register a new websocket event?

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  • yuri
    In metadata app > webSocket:

    Use this service class to submit to a websocket in the backend:

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  • Kritika
    Originally posted by boCyrill
    Hi everyone,
    Please I would like to know what is the process to register a new websocket event as I cant find see any documentation online.
    I have setup the websocket service on the server already and enabled in the CRM and it works perfectly.
    I have created a custom service that returns data from a record that often change in background.
    Actually I use Ajax to call that custom service every minute but I would now like to instead register a websocket event that would push the new data when an update happen.
    Please can you help?
    Thanks in advance
    Hi boCyrill​ were you able to figure out how to register your websocket if so could you please share your experience?

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  • boCyrill
    started a topic How to register a new websocket event?

    How to register a new websocket event?

    Hi everyone,

    Please I would like to know what is the process to register a new websocket event as I cant find see any documentation online.
    I have setup the websocket service on the server already and enabled in the CRM and it works perfectly.
    I have created a custom service that returns data from a record that often change in background.
    Actually I use Ajax to call that custom service every minute but I would now like to instead register a websocket event that would push the new data when an update happen.
    Please can you help?
    Thanks in advance