Not able to update date time field as empty or null using REST api

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  • zuryx
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2021
    • 2

    Not able to update date time field as empty or null using REST api


    I'm trying to clear/reset a Customer custom field of type date time field that is already populated. I'm trying to do it setting the field as "" (empty) but I'm getting the following error in the logs.

    [2021-09-08 16:21:07] Espo.ERROR: (22007) SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '' for column `espo_db`.`contact`.`message_sent_time` at row 1; PUT /Contact/6111659c86550ed53; line: 72, file: application/Espo/ORM/SqlExecutor.php [] []

    Obviously this error makes sense but my question is... how I can clear or reset a date time field using the REST api through an update (PUT request)? I'm aware that this approach of sending empty values works for strings or number fields, but for date time is not working.

    My request:

    url -> api/v1/Contact/6111659c86550ed53
    "messageSentTime": ""

    Thank you in advance
  • zuryx
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2021
    • 2

    I fixed it just sending the value as null.

    url -> api/v1/Contact/6111659c86550ed53
    "messageSentTime": null


