Hello everyone, I wanted to ask what hooks are for. I can't understand its usefulness in espocrm, could you give me a simple example? thank you
Request example WebHooks
Request example WebHooks
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask what hooks are for. I can't understand its usefulness in espocrm, could you give me a simple example? thank youTags: None -
Thank you for the answer, I understood the concept but I can't understand how the target app receives the data, how to read it in the target app.
1) I have configured the api user
2) I created the webhooks that points to the address http://www.prova.it/web.php (example domain)
which contains
PHP Code:<?php
$myfile = fopen("newfile.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
$txt = '<pre>' . print_r(get_defined_vars(), true) . '</pre>';
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
but it does not write any filesComment
I wrote this script to save all webhooks to log file. Just remember about creating folder /logs