I'm wondering if I'm maybe overthinking this or if I am approaching it in the correct way.
Basically, what the title says, I want to limit the options in the dropdown when selecting a related record to only the records that have a specific value as its status field.
For example:
I have one entity named "Accommodation", with a one-to-many relationship with another entity called "Lodge Units", which has a field "status". I want to only have the ones with status = available to be in the drop-down when selecting.
I can do the actual SQL query and so would like to know which template file is responsible for the query that results in the dropdown, how I can edit it and how to make that edit "update-proof".
Any suggestions? I already tried the free plugins "Enum-From-SQL" and "Enum-From-Metadata", and though they were promising I could not get it to work, and so I think I may be over-complicating the solution.
Basically, what the title says, I want to limit the options in the dropdown when selecting a related record to only the records that have a specific value as its status field.
For example:
I have one entity named "Accommodation", with a one-to-many relationship with another entity called "Lodge Units", which has a field "status". I want to only have the ones with status = available to be in the drop-down when selecting.
I can do the actual SQL query and so would like to know which template file is responsible for the query that results in the dropdown, how I can edit it and how to make that edit "update-proof".
Any suggestions? I already tried the free plugins "Enum-From-SQL" and "Enum-From-Metadata", and though they were promising I could not get it to work, and so I think I may be over-complicating the solution.