How do I get the Reminders field changed in the Calls form? I would like to change the selection list Exact time, 1m before, 2m before and so on as follows: Exact time, 1m after, 2m after and so on. The Reminders field appears after selecting a category. That's okay so far. However, the Reminders field should be based on the start date. That means, if my starting date is 05/05/2021, then I have to be able to select times afterwards in the reminder field, such as: 5 minutes after, 10 minutes after, 1 day after and so on. How can I change memories as the box. I would also like to only be able to choose PopUp and not email. How do I get the entry E-Mail out of the list of the reminder field?
Change reminder box
Can't help with your first question and I'm a bit lazy to fully help you with second question but you can probably disable Email reminder somewhere in the Admin setting.
Personally I don't use Email reminder and only Popup reminder (which I haven't fully master yet cause it popup either too late or popup even when it set as Held) -
What is the memory field based on? After the start date or after the end date? Or maybe after the creation date? And how do I get the selection list in the reminder field changed? Day XY before should become day XY after. I would like the reminder field to report after the end date. If I select a date in the future as the end date and I select "Exact time" in the reminder field, what is the exact time based on the set end date or another date?1 PhotoComment
PHP Code:{ "fields": { "type": { "type": "enum", "options": [ "Popup", "Email", "Sms" ] } } }
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Thanks. I copied the Reminder.json into the path custom / Espo / Custom / Resources / metadata / entityDefs / Reminder.json and removed the entry E-Mail under Option. Unfortunately I don't see any changes in the form. Do I also have to make the changes in Reminder.json in the following path: application / Espo / Modules / Crm / Resources / metadata / entityDefs / Reminder.json?
And which field does the memory field refer to? On the start date, the end date, the creation date?Comment
Thanks. It worked. But now I have another problem. In Reminder.json, I only removed the email option and left everything else in there. The E-Mail option is no longer displayed in the form. That's great. The time entries are now displayed twice for this. Do I have to remove or change this from the Reminder.json? And how do I have to change the time entries so that there is no days XY before but days XY after?1 PhotoComment
you must only add
with only the field you modify .. my sample above.
reminder is send by jobs.. i dont know, you can create a new Jobs.. from orginal jobs and make change and disable the original jobs !
original jobs application/Espo/Modules/Crm/Jobs/SendEmailReminders.php
you must change - to + and so
Strange request, why you need futur reminder ? Maybe it's possible with AdvancedPack !
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