After this thread I wrote a custom formula function which allows me to send an email using a specific user:
But now when I call the custom function in a formular, the email gets sent twice:
- One time it gets sent using the correct user and every user-based variable in the email-template get filled in according to the user attributes.
- The other time the email gets sent from the correct user, but the user variables in the email-template get filled in using the System-user attributes.
Has anybody in here an idea, why the email gets sent two times?
After this thread I wrote a custom formula function which allows me to send an email using a specific user:
<?php namespace Espo\Custom\Core\Formula\Functions\ExtGroup\EmailGroup; use Espo\Core\Formula\{ Functions\BaseFunction, ArgumentList, }; use Espo\Core\Di; class SendFromUserType extends BaseFunction implements Di\EntityManagerAware, Di\ServiceFactoryAware, Di\ConfigAware { use Di\EntityManagerSetter; use Di\ServiceFactorySetter; use Di\ConfigSetter; public function process(ArgumentList $args) { if (count($args) < 2) { $this->throwTooFewArguments(2); } $args = $this->evaluate($args); $emailId = $args[0]; $userId = $args[1]; if (!$emailId || !is_string($emailId)) { $this->throwBadArgumentType(1, 'string'); } if (!$userId || !is_string($userId)) { $this->throwBadArgumentType(1, 'string'); } $em = $this->entityManager; $email = $em->getEntity('Email', $emailId); $user = $em->getEntity('User', $userId); if (!$email) { $this->log("Email '{$emailId}' does not exist."); return false; } if (!$user) { $this->log("User '{$userId}' does not exist."); return false; } $status = $email->get('status'); if ($status && in_array($status, ['Sent'])) { $this->log("Can't send email that has 'Sent' status."); return false; } $service = $this->serviceFactory->create('Email'); $service->loadAdditionalFields($email); $toSave = false; if ($status !== 'Sending') { $email->set('status', 'Sending'); $toSave = true; } if (!$email->get('from')) { $from = $this->config->get('outboundEmailFromAddress'); if ($from) { $email->set('from', $from); $toSave = true; } } if ($toSave) { $em->saveEntity($email, [ 'modifiedById' => 'system', 'silent' => true, ]); } try { $service->sendEntity($email,$user); } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $this->log("Error while sending. Message: {$message}." , 'error'); return false; } return true; } }
- One time it gets sent using the correct user and every user-based variable in the email-template get filled in according to the user attributes.
- The other time the email gets sent from the correct user, but the user variables in the email-template get filled in using the System-user attributes.
Has anybody in here an idea, why the email gets sent two times?