hello, i need some help to.. i try to move Opportunities from the bootom panel to the side panel and task from bottom panel to side panel how i can do this?
Moving Opportunity/Task panel from bottom to side
Assuming that you have already defined relationships between your target entity (the one displaying in detail view, for example "Contact") with Opportunity and with Task:
Go to Admin > Layout Manager
Select the entity that you want to modify (eg: "Contacts")
Select Bottom Panels: Move the Opportunities panel to the "Disabled" box, move the Tasks panel from "Disabled" to "Enabled", click "Save"
Select Side Panels (Detail): Move the Opportunities panel to the "Enabled" box and move the Tasks panel from "Enabled" to "Disabled", click "Save"
Clear cache and rebuild
you can check the documentation for further information on the Layout Manager https://docs.espocrm.com/administration/layout-manager/ -
hello, and sorry for the late replay i did it like u saidthx you! so much for the time spend to advice me and help me continue with my project. i got another question that i can not short out. sould i ask it here? i want to remove from post (when u post a note i want to only be able to post it to my self and a selected user ) i cant found anywhere how i can take of this option
Hi, I'm sorry but we don't use Espo's out of the box Stream to post notes, so I can't answer your question, but hopefully some other participant will and you can also try checking the documentation https://github.com/espocrm/documenta...uide/stream.mdLast edited by telecastg; 11-29-2020, 10:16 PM.