Unique value on multiple column

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  • item
    Active Community Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1505

    Unique value on multiple column

    how i can resolve this on espoCRM ..
    context :
    in belgium, each person have a unique nationalNumber.. but for professional healthcare, there are another value : inamiNumber
    inamiNumber are limited to 10K person actually, so only recognized professional healthcare have a unique value.
    but when the professional dead, the inamiNumber is send/give to another new professional healthcare.

    so in espoCRM / mysql, we can define unique value.. is there a possibility to define unique value to two column ?
    sample :
    column : inamiNumber + isActive ? or inamiNumber + nationalNumber ? the "merge/combinaison" of these 2 column must be unique

    Or i need to make a calculated field who concat these 2 field and make it unique ? a solution but not at 100%

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  • esforim
    Active Community Member
    • Jan 2020
    • 2205

    Can't help you item.

    Originally posted by item
    but when the professional dead, the inamiNumber is send/give to another new professional healthcare.
    Not sure where the logic in whoever designed this system.


    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Hello esforim,

      there is no logic .. it's just "financial/power" of the branch of metier.. so imagine :
      year 2000 : 10000 healthcare .... belgium 10.000.000 persoon
      year 2020 : 10000 healthcare .. .. belgium 13.000.000 persoon

      There are another branche, "notaire" (who act sell/buy house...) .. only X (i don't know the quantity.. but maybe 1000 ) .. so you can have diploma of "notaire".. but if no one is dead .. you can't not open your office.. then you need to work for another registered notaire
      This branch is only the father to soon .. the soon to his soon ..

      it's like Orval .. best beer from Belgium .. only X quantity/month .. no one more .. so .. when you find a Orval .. you pay big euro

    • esforim
      esforim commented
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      Now that you explain it, I guess there is a some logic to it this system. Depending on your perspective it could be bad and good.

      I like the idea that it give control to reduce over saturation of the market in certain industry, but dislike it in the way that it prevent free market and competition.