Yes you can do this through the dynamic handler class
Here's the code that we use to make changes to a WorkOrder entity enum options based on certain constrains, I think it is similar to your use case so hopefully it will show you how you can implement your solution.
define('custom:work-order-dynamic-handler', ['dynamic-handler'], function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ init: function () { this.controlFields(); // invoke controlFields methods every time status or serviceTechId get changed this.recordView.listenTo(this.model, 'change:status', this.statusControlField.bind(this)); this.recordView.listenTo(this.model, 'change:serviceTechId', this.serviceTechIdControlField.bind(this)); }, controlFields: function () { this.statusControlField(); this.serviceTechIdControlField(); }, statusControlField: function () { // limit the choices for status if the Service Tech field is empty if (!this.model.get('serviceTechId')) { this.recordView.setFieldOptionList('status', [ 'Unassigned', 'Canceled' ]); } }, serviceTechIdControlField: function () { // limit the choices for status if the Service Tech field is not empty if (this.model.get('serviceTechId')) { this.recordView.setFieldOptionList('status', [ 'Assigned', 'Completed', 'Canceled' ]); // if a Service Tech has been selected, and the status was Unassigned, change the status to "Assigned" if(this.model.get('status') === 'Unassigned') { this.model.set('status','Assigned'); // persist the change; // refresh the display this.model.fetch(); } } else { // if the Service Tech is erased and the status is Assigned, change it to "Unassigned" if(this.model.get('status') === 'Assigned') { this.model.set('status','Unassigned'); // persist the change; // refresh the display this.model.fetch(); } } } }); });
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