Tutorial - How to implement a custom (login) landing page

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  • rem4332
    commented on 's reply
    telecastg, oh okay thanks, in my case the landingpage is not the same. I will check it thanks a lot.
    esforim thanks for the input. i will check it.

  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    I guess you could just create a 2nd index.php page and link it to a second landing page, when you send out portal link you would send link with 2nd index. As for how, can't help you.

  • telecastg
    commented on 's reply
    You're welcome rem4332

    If you want to modify the size of the logo on top of the navbar (side panel in my case) check this post

    The idea of this thread is to create a "road map/guide" to help developers find where GUI sections or elements are defined within Espo code so customization projects can be implemented without having to spend a lot of time "finding your way around" the code (like many of us have done) whenever possible.

  • telecastg
    commented on 's reply
    As far as I know, there is only one landing page for both types of users portal or regular.

  • rem4332
    hello all, one more question please.
    Can you also populate the portals with a landing page ?

    thanks a lot

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  • rem4332
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks a lot telecastg, but in my case I would like to enlarge the logo in Espo not the one from the landing page thank you very much.

  • telecastg
    In reference to rem4332 question, how to change the logo size ?.

    Without touching the theme css (highly recommended) you can change anything in the lading page template, like the size of the logo or even layout as long as you know HTML and CSS.

    edit file: client/custom/res/templates/login.tpl then clear cache, rebuild and reload page.

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  • telecastg
    You're very welcome emillod congratulations on your theme extension by the way !

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  • esforim
    commented on 's reply
    Further to this; if you use your browser console log you can see if the path is incorrect. It will say something like "file not found" or "file path not found", then you can adjust the file path till it can be found!

  • emillod
    Thank you very much, great idea! I'll need to adjust login page in my theme

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  • telecastg

    The image file path is incorrect.

    Try putting the actual image file path as backgroundImage: 'client/img/testimage.jpg', in client/custom/src/views/login.js without the double {{ }} brackets.

    These were meant to let the readers know that it is a placeholder but they are NOT to be included as part of the javascript file.

    ​​​​​​​By the way, I suggest that you use a custom folder eg: client/custom/img to save your custom images, otherwise they might be overwritten in an update.

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  • ppatt25
    Hey telecastg , I followed your steps and ran into an issue with the background image as well. I have attached this image here and it seems that an error is coming up with the portal trying to pull the image?

    The portal URL is http://espocrm.ianbirch.me/ if you want to take a look youself. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

    Attached Files

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  • telecastg
    Hey Fehu , I modified the script in step 6, it was pointing to a "module/landing-page" namespace instead to the "custom" namespace (I prefer not to dump everything in the "custom" namespace and use the modules architecture available so I can easily troubleshoot and modify a module without having to worry about interfering with something else in the same namespace, but my examples always use the "custom" namespace to make things easier to implement for everyone).

    It should work now. We are using version 5.9.3 without any problems.

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  • esforim
    This guide should still be applicable to 5.9.3. Maybe your background location is missing/invalid/can't be found?

    backgroundImage: '{{path to your background image file}}',

    Should be something like this I believe:

    backgroundImage: /espocrm/wallpaper.jpg/

    These code should be working for a long while, I don't think Developer planning any changes to Landing page which would
    Last edited by esforim; 08-12-2020, 04:11 AM.

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  • Fehu
    Hey telecastg, I was trying to implement a custom background for the login page as defined above but having no luck. Will this process still work with the current version of espocrm?

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