1 - Are you just trying to display a related entity on the side panels? In that case, here's an example that can help:
Today, the difficulty is to display the schedule in the calendar and DashBoard for more than two users. I know that this is only possible for entities that have this PARTICIPANT resource. Custom entities do not have this feature, so I would like to implement it.
Sorry my english, I'm using google translator
Participant functionality in a custom entity.
Are you just trying to display a related entity in the side panels ?, if that is the case, here's an example that may help:
We have a "Tenancy" entity that is linked to a "CollectionIssue" entity in a One-to-Many relationship (One Tenancy can have many Collection Issues), when I look a Tenancy record in detail view, the CollectionIssues linked to that Tenancy are displayed as a list inside a side panel.
Code:"fields": { .... "collectionIssues": { "type": "linkMultiple", "isCustom": true }, .... }, "links": { .... "collectionIssues": { "type": "hasMany", "foreign": "tenancy", "entity": "CollectionIssue", "isCustom": true }, .... }
Code:{ "fields": { .... "tenancy": { "type": "link" }, .... }, "links": { "tenancy": { "type": "belongsTo", "foreign": "collectionIssues", "entity": "Tenancy", "isCustom": true }, .... }
Code:"sidePanels": { "detail": [ { "name": "collectionIssues", "label": "Collection Issues", "view": "[B]custom:views/record/panels/collection-issues[/B]", "aclScope": "CollectionIssue" } ] }
Code:Espo.define('custom:views/record/panels/collection-issues', 'views/record/panels/relationship', function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ name: 'collection-issues', scope: 'CollectionIssue', // here write your code to manage how to display a list of linked entities (in this example Collection Issues) inside the side panel // for guidance you can check the script: client/modules/crm/src/views/record/panels/tasks.js }); });
Last edited by telecastg; 03-10-2020, 05:56 AM.Leave a comment:
I'm interested to know too. I create a new Events/Calendar type of entity and but currently using Relationship Panels.
Basically I wanted to create non-meeting type of entity as meeting get cog up with meetings. I'm planning to use it as History/Events.Leave a comment:
Participant functionality in a custom entity.
Is it possible to add participant functionality and the "meeting" or "call" participant's side panel to a custom entity?
How can I do it? I created a new event entity. But I need the functionality of the participant in this entity that I created.
Thankful if you can help.
Fábio MouraTags: None
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