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404 page not found

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  • telecastg
    In order for Espo to "find" a custom front end controller your also have create a custom clientDefs for the controller.

    For example, in my application I created a custom front end controller to display a document using the full "work" area of Espo's screen (<div id="main>) called "FullPage" so I followed these steps:

    1) created first the controller script: client/custom/src/controllers/full-page.js which includes a function called "showFullPage"

    2) created the clientDefs metadata custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/FullPage.json which contains the following:

        "controller": "custom:controllers/full-page"
    Now I can invoke the controller like this from my view script: this.getRouter().dispatch("FullPage", 'showFullPage', options);
    Last edited by telecastg; 01-21-2020, 07:35 PM.

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  • sumitroy
    started a topic 404 page not found

    404 page not found

    Hi, I am new in the Espo crm.I have created a custom controller also have added all the module and entity according to doc in my localhost but while i am trying to get the controller method or the data in it then console shows 404
    http://localhost/crmdevelopers/api/v...ks/byuser?id=2 or http://localhost/crmdevelopers/api/v1/mytasks/byuser/2 please help me to execute the url

    i am trying to get help from last 3 days but getting no reply,please help me.