Entity name translation not working inside calendar delete confirm box.

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  • manosingh
    • Apr 2019
    • 62

    Entity name translation not working inside calendar delete confirm box.

    I have an entity with type Event

    So i use this entity as normal as well as in the calendar schedules , i provided language translation text for the entity name.

    When i try to delete this entity from entity listing page then the translation text is working properly in the delete confirmation box.

    When i try to delete this entity from calendar page then the translation text not working in the delete confirm box.

    Delete confirmation text is taken from the Global json file "\custom\Espo\Custom\Resources\i18n\nl_NL\Global.j son".

    Not sure how to fix this , Let me know if any solution for this one , Any help is appreciated , Thanks in Advance
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8679

    I found out that labels are taken from Global language scope in both cases: from calendar and list view. There's no simple way to override.
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