Load value from linked entity to notStored field

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  • telecastg
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2018
    • 907

    Load value from linked entity to notStored field

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to populate a notStored field with the value of a field from a linked entity:

    I have entity "Tenancy" linked to entity "Landlord" in a many-to-one relationship, and I am trying to populate notStored field "tenancy.landlordSignature" with the value from "landlord.signature".

    I have been reading and believe that the correct way is to use "select": option at Tenancy entityDefs in field "landlordSignature" but I don't understand the syntax for accomplishing this.

    Can anybody help or provide guidance ?

    Thanks !
  • telecastg
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2018
    • 907

    Found my answer, a lot easier than I though. Should have spent more time reading the Espo documentation.

    For a simple linked value go to Admin>Entity Manager select the "child" entity and create a new field type FOREIGN this will provide the foreign value to the entity and will not create a new field in the child table.

    I am not an experienced developer (obviously ;-) ) and would still like to learn more about the syntax for querying field values ("select", "where", "leftJoins", etc) to make more interesting queries, could somebody point to somewhere where I could learn ?


