SelectManager - custom entity & notStorage field

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  • wtconseil
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 335

    SelectManager - custom entity & notStorage field

    Hi there

    I have a custom entity with a "date field".
    I have created a "notStorable" field to calculate the diff between that date field and CURDATE()

    "diffDateField": {
    "notStorable": true,
    "type": "float",
    "required": false,
    "readOnly": true,
    "isCustom": true,
    "select": "DATEDIFF(mytable.my_date_time_field, CURDATE())",
    "orderBy": "mytable.my_date_time_field {direction}"
    I would like to create a filter in a select Manager to filter rows that have my diff field between X and Y days
    but in my select manager function, i cannot use my notStorable field "diffDateField"

    is it normal ?

    I try to write some SQL directly there but not working neither

    protected function filterCustomJ14(&$result) {
    array('DATEDIFF(mytable.my_date_time_field, curdate())' => 'BETWEEN 0 AND 14')
    ), $result);
    Any idea about how i could handle that?
    [2019-03-29 10:06:00] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:/:controller, Params:Array (     [controller] => xxx) , InputData:  - SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'DATEDIFFmytable.my_date_time_fieldcurdate' in 'where clause' [] []
