Hi, I created a new entity with n:n relation to contacts (multiple fields is activated). In Contacts layout i want to see additional fields of this relation. I made the necessary changes in Fieldsection and linksection of contact.json (additionalcolumns similar to accounts), setup a link to view:multiple-link-with-columns. But nothing works. How many fields of newentityContact table can be displayed with additional columns in Contacts layout? Is there something I have to do besinde the changes in contact.json? And Do I have to create an extra view for every field? Sorry, questions over questions ...
multilink Columns in hasmany relations
Hi @jaysg11,
Espocrm, This extension is enhancement for the espocrm great field view link multiple, enabeling the user to: Display additional fields from the related entities instead of only name in the default espo view. Ability to enable / disable linking function Inline form over the rows in edit mode for MANY TO MANY usage cases please consider to read this article Read information about the extension . Release notes are available here.