Here is what I ended up doing - not sure if its the correct way to do it but it works! Others may find it useful.
edit the file c:\birnami\espocrm-5.5.1-0\apps\espocrm\htdocs\application\espo\modules\crm \business\reminder\emailreminder.php
add the following line of code below
and also add a new function following the send function -
protected function sendtocreator(Entity $reminder)
$user = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('User', $reminder->get('userId'));
$entity = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity($reminder->get('entityType'), $reminder->get('entityId'));
$mytask = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('Task', $entityid);
$creator_emailAddress = $creator->get('emailAddress');
$emailAddress = $user->get('emailAddress');
//file_put_contents('espocrm_entity.txt','matching email addresses');
$emailAddress = $creator->get('emailAddress');
if (empty($user) || empty($emailAddress) || empty($entity)) {
$email = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('Email');
$email->set('to', $emailAddress);
$subjectTpl = $this->getTemplateFileManager()->getTemplate('reminder', 'subject', $entity->getEntityType(), 'Crm');
$bodyTpl = $this->getTemplateFileManager()->getTemplate('reminder', 'body', $entity->getEntityType(), 'Crm');
$subjectTpl = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $subjectTpl);
$data = array();
$siteUrl = rtrim($this->getConfig()->get('siteUrl'), '/');
$recordUrl = $siteUrl . '/#' . $entity->getEntityType() . '/view/' . $entity->id;
$data['recordUrl'] = $recordUrl;
$data['entityType'] = $this->getLanguage()->translate($entity->getEntityType(), 'scopeNames');
$data['entityTypeLowerFirst'] = lcfirst($data['entityType']);
if ($user) {
$data['userName'] = $user->get('name');
$preferences = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity('Preferences', $user->id);
$timezone = $preferences->get('timeZone');
$dateTime = clone($this->dateTime);
if ($timezone) {
$htmlizer = new \Espo\Core\Htmlizer\Htmlizer($this->fileManager, $dateTime, $this->number, null);
$subject = $htmlizer->render($entity, $subjectTpl, 'reminder-email-subject-' . $entity->getEntityType(), $data, true);
$body = $htmlizer->render($entity, $bodyTpl, 'reminder-email-body-' . $entity->getEntityType(), $data, false);
$email->set('subject', $subject);
$email->set('body', $body);
$email->set('isHtml', true);
$emailSender = $this->mailSender;
Task Reminder for Creator of task
Well I have been playing - bearing in mind that I don't fundamentally understand the architecture of the code, my original assumption was that every N minutes (set by Admin->Send Email Reminders) some code would be processed and a reminder emailed to those 'users' that have a reminder set. Therefore I just need to intercept the code that runs every N minutes, mod it and job done....obviously not
What I have done - is create a new file with the following -
namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Note;
use Espo\ORM\Entity;
class Notifications extends \Espo\Hooks\Note\Notifications
protected function getSubscriberList($parentType, $parentId, $isInternal = false)
if (!$this->getMetadata()->get(['scopes', $parentType, 'stream'])) return [];
$pdo = $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
/*NEED TO MODIFY THIS TO find followers*/
if (!$isInternal) {
$sql = "
SELECT created_by_id as userId
FROM task
WHERE id = " . $pdo->quote($parentId);
} else {
$sql = "
SELECT subscription.user_id AS userId
FROM subscription
JOIN user ON = subscription.user_id
entity_id = " . $pdo->quote($parentId) . " AND entity_type = " . $pdo->quote($parentType) . " AND
user.type <> 'portal'
$userList = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('User')->where([
'isActive' => true
])->select(['id', 'type'])->find([
'customWhere' => "AND IN (".$sql.")"
file_put_contents('espocrm_mylog2.txt','.........' );
file_put_contents('espocrm_mylog2.txt',$sql,FILE_A PPEND);
file_put_contents('espocrm_mylog2.txt',$userList,F ILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents('espocrm_mylog2.txt','*+++++++', FILE_APPEND);
return $userList;
I was hoping to log to a file the users but the users always appear empty. This file only seems to get executed when I create \ update a task with a notification, not at the stage when the code is run (i.e .timer based). So therefore I seem to be missing a fundamental point of something but not sure what....?Leave a comment:
You can customize function getSubscriberList from \Espo\Hooks\Note\Notifications and include all persons who should be notified in $userList
Code:namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Note; use Espo\ORM\Entity; class Notifications extends \Espo\Hooks\Note\Notifications { protected function getSubscriberList($parentType, $parentId, $isInternal = false) { return $userList; } }
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Task Reminder for Creator of task
It looks like the default reminder (popup or email) only gets sent to the Assigned User. Is there a way that the Creator could also get the reminder?
The reason - sales team have a number of tasks that they send to engineering along with a required due date. The creator (sales guy) also wants a reminder that the task needs completion on a certain day/time else they may forget as well.
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