Reports: Ability to specify filters, run-time filters, labels, etc...

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  • theBuzzyCoder
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2018
    • 102

    Reports: Ability to specify filters, run-time filters, labels, etc...

    Right now,

    A user do not have ability to specify above mentioned fields in Reports for internal reports.

    1) Ability to load M:N table fields in Columns. If one entity has N related entities, then in report there should n entries. For m:n table, for M entities if n entities are related, m * n entries should be loaded.
    2) Ability to pre-defined filter and runtime filters using fields from M:N table
    3) Ability to specify which internal class to execute using Enum
    4) Ability to specify labels for exported csv or xlsx header row

    Use Case:

    1) A custom report is required with user defined filters. The custom report is generated based on specific code which loads data from different tables which user is not able to load from UI (Usually an M:N relation tables).
    2) A filter should defined by espocrm user and sent to the internal class.

    What am I doing right now is:

    I have two tables that I need report generated from:

    Leads and SomeEntity

    Relationship: M Leads has N SomeEntities

    In Reports:

    Entity Type: SomeEntity
    Type: List

    Sample Code:

    PHP Code:
    class MailExporter extends ReportBase
        protected function 

        protected function 
            if (
    $this->getServiceFactory()->checkExists($name)) {
    $service $this->getServiceFactory()->create($name);
            } else {
    $service $this->getServiceFactory()->create('Record');
                if (
    method_exists($service'setEntityType')) {
                } else {


        public function 
    run($where null, array $params null)
    $data = new \stdClass;

    // Don't put as it is a link field to Person type link
    $data->columns = array(
            foreach (
    $data->columns as $column) {
    $data->columnsData[$column] = array(
    "align" => "left",
    "link" => false,
    "notSortable" => false,
    "width" => null
    $data->columnsData["name"]["link"] = true;

    $response $this->getRecordService("Report")->getListReport("SomeEntity"$data);
            foreach (
    $response['collection'] as $item) {
    $item->set('leads_referenceId'$item->get("leads_numberOfTimesExported") + $item->get("leads_referenceId"));

    Note: You can use Opportunity and Contact relationship to emulate the use case.

    Get report from contact and opportunity table with Entity Type as Contact
  • theBuzzyCoder
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2018
    • 102

    tarasm tanya Any updates on this.

